The importance of motivating older people to face new challenges –

/p>The beginning of a new one is always a propitious time to propose new challenges and goals on a personal level. And as the specialists of Sanyres Motivation is one of the most important aspects that must be promoted so that seniors regain vitality and maintain interest in continuing to achieve goals.

But it must also be about the physical, psychological or social barriers produced by the passage of time and that the elderly must take care of and overcome. Health and well-being must be a priority that helps keep the hope of improvement alive.

Since it stands out that some keys to achieve motivation are in make the older person the main element of the activity. Therefore, it is very important that the proposed challenges are personalized, participatory and collaborative. They may even be associated with a positive evolution in the short or long term.
The great value of the environment and the context in which the activity of the elderly takes place should not be overlooked either. Therefore it will be very useful and effective generate positive contexts where you can encourage the practice of all kinds of activities.

Goal-based enabling environments such as mutual support, cohesion and personal relationships. However, these elements will only be useful if you choose an activity that is fun, that can be done and in which you have some autonomy.

Another alternative is that these types of activities are focused on share time with family, people from the environment of the elderly or people with the same hobbies. In this sense, the personal experience of each person, their vital baggage, is of great importance. As stated by Sanyres, sharing memories and dreams favors the psychological aspect in a very positive way.

All aspects must be taken care of and, essentially, the self-esteem of the elderly, through the development of sociability and inclusion in favorable environments. In this sense, the feeling of usefulness should be especially enhanced. Proposing challenges to older people so that they can verify for themselves that they are capable of carrying them out supposes a great added value. This action can generate feelings of accomplishment and pride, we can even project new hopes for the future.
The Sanyres specialists propose below a series of activities for motivate the elderly and promote active and healthy aging:

– Retrieve a old hobby. Many older people have practiced an activity and over time have left it forgotten. Maybe it’s time to get back to it.

– Practice some physical activity that helps to improve health or well-being.

– Adapt the elderly to the technological environment. Take courses to be able to use computers or smartphones and thus be able to get in touch with the virtual world.

– Create an agenda social and cultural activities that they like and have fun.

– Develop educational activities to help mental development.

– Carry out artistic tasks that help to improve creativity and stimulate the imagination.

– Promote the expressiveness through reading and writing.

– Participate in festivals recreational and cultural.

– Organize thematic interest talks (historical, cultural, about the same type of disease), to promote relationships and share impressions.

– Share time with relatives and strengthen intergenerational relationships.

– abandon some bad habit that is unhealthy, such as tobacco. It could also be proposed to carry out a more balanced diet without giving up gastronomic pleasure.

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