The hummingbird and its spiritual meaning

Their great ability and intelligence to survive on Earth adds to their spiritual significance. Since ancient times it has been related to divine messages, love and the balance of nature.

For the Mayans and Native American cultures, This small and striking bird is synonymous with joy, healing and adaptability.. Meeting one of them is not a coincidence, but implies positive energy and joy from a loved one who is no longer on the earthly plane.


What does the hummingbird mean spiritually?

What does the hummingbird mean spiritually?

One of the strongest spiritual meanings that can be found is that The hummingbird is related to reincarnation, since it has the virtue of being able to lower its vital signs in order to survive. and the next day regain all your energy and vitality, which gives the message that you must live each day to the fullest, as if it were your last, and then be reborn. Among the things that the hummingbird gives us as a power animal, the following stand out:

  • Vitality and joy: It is said that when a hummingbird crosses your life, it is filled with love, vitality and energy. Therefore, if you are going through a bad time and you have the hummingbird as an animal totem, rest assured that joy will return to you.
  • good omens: The hummingbird in our life is a positive omen, since if there is something we fervently desire, the hummingbird will provide it to us. For this reason, you can ask the hummingbird for help so that your wishes come true.
  • Adaptation: The hummingbird as a power animal teaches you to adapt to the situations around you, no matter how defenseless or small you feel in front of them. In this sense, the hummingbird teaches that we do not have to be afraid of negative changes in our lives, because if we act intelligently we can solve them and, in addition to succeeding, gain advantage in some aspects.
  • Passion: Likewise, the hummingbird teaches you to do things with passion and with detail, so that what you do is done full of energy and with perfectionism. For this reason, the hummingbird is the animal totem of many artists and retail people.
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What does the hummingbird mean?

The bird is mentioned in the Bible as a messenger from heaven and that is why it is considered that when it arrives at a house it may be a person who is no longer there, but it transmits the energy to move forward and release the past that may be affecting the life. life. A similar aspect was considered by the Mayan culture, where it is also associated with angels.

On the other hand, some legends consider that when a hummingbird approaches a person, it is because they need to heal and release the negative energies they have. Therefore, her presence reminds us of dreams and the perseverance to make them come true.

Thus, regardless of where the legend or myth comes from, the presence of a hummingbird always transmits a positive message and pure energy to strengthen yourself and achieve balanced healing.


10 curiosities about the hummingbird

10 curiosities about the hummingbird

The most characteristic of these birds is their colorful and beautiful plumagein addition to its particular way of flying. Hummingbirds, also known as hummingbirds, They are a group of apodiform birds that have more than 300 species, which makes them one of the largest families of birds. In addition, they have many curiosities that you probably didn’t know about:

  • 1. It is the smallest bird in the world
  • 2. It is the only bird that can fly backwards
  • 3. They cannot walk because their legs are very weak.
  • 4. Your heart pumps blood at 1200 beats per minute
  • 5. They have a forked, W-shaped tongue, very similar to that of snakes.
  • 6. Their long tongue helps them feed very quickly, so much so that it allows them to feed on an average of 1000 flowers in a single day.
  • 7. When they sleep they enter a state of torpor or hibernation.
  • 8. They can flap their wings between 50 and 80 times per second.
  • 9. They can remain suspended in the air at a fixed point at a speed of 0, that is, they can literally float!
  • 10. They can become very aggressive, wanting to defend their territory or wanting to mate.
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Why does a hummingbird enter your house?

Hummingbird at home, renovation: If you have ever found a hummingbird at home, it means that this bird brings you a message of joy and hope, in this way it will tell you that you inspire those who need renewal and that you try to bring out the best in them, so Provide help to whoever needs it.


  • Hummingbirds symbolize love and joy in life.
  • They are considered messengers of divine beings because it is believed that they can enter different dimensions.
  • Due to their physiognomy and way of living, they are associated with lightness, so when you see one it means that you must strip yourself away and free yourself from all the things that do not make you happy and that are a burden.
  • They symbolize our ability to adapt
  • They are associated with tenacity, resilience, persistence, happiness and authenticity.

When a hummingbird visits your house it means it carries a message of joy and hope.

If he approaches you, it means that you are a person full of joy and you should enjoy every moment of your life. In addition, a new challenge will come, but you will triumph if you face it with a positive attitude.

Another of the spiritual interpretations of seeing a hummingbird refers to a visit from a loved one after their deathin these cases, It brings a message of reconciliation and is saying goodbye.

What does it mean when a hummingbird approaches you?

The proximity of a hummingbird implies that the person needs to heal their heart and free yourself from the bad energy you have in your environment. It is a strong reminder to follow your dreams and let go of obstacles.

In the Bible the hummingbird is mentioned as a heaven’s messenger that calls us to move forward and leave the past behind.

What does it mean to dream about a hummingbird?

Pay attention to this point. Seeing a hummingbird in dreams is a great reminder that those ideas floating around in your mind have all the potential to become big changes. and paths in your life. Personal confidence is key.

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How to attract hummingbirds.

How to attract hummingbirds to your garden

  • Combine 1 part white sugar with 4 parts water. Bring to a slow boil for 2 minutes, and mix well (do not let the water evaporate).
  • Cool before pouring into the feeder (do not allow the mixture to be placed in the drinker while it is still hot).
  • The excess can be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Never use honey or artificial sweeteners.
  • We do not recommend using red dyes.
  • Clean the feeder regularly with hot water to prevent fermentation and mold – every 3 days in hot weather, every 7 days in cold days
  • Hummingbirds will reject “old” nectar.

13 plants to attract hummingbirds to the garden

13 plants to attract HUMMINGBIRDS to the Garden | Diaz Garden

How long does a hummingbird live?

The Life expectancy of the hummingbird It is 3 to 5 years, although it can be increased depending on the species in question. In captivity they usually have a short lifespan due to the high stress that confinement causes them.

What do hummingbirds do at night?

Once the sun begins to set, the hummingbirds They increase their diet to prepare for their night’s sleep. They sleep soundly like a bear that goes into hibernation during the winter, but they do it every night.

This hummingbird looks for nectar in the middle of a storm | National Geographic Spain

Reproduction and life cycle of hummingbirds

With the intention of attracting the attention of the female, the male He performs a dance to woo her. After being fertilized, the female builds a nest as small as an eraser. It is made up of moss, cotton, spider web…

After laying two eggs, she incubates them for 14 to 19 days. After the babies are born, they are fed for 3 to 4 weeks. The female He usually goes to the nest more than 140 times a day to carry out this task.

More information about the hummingbird