Find out how much you should weigh based on your height

If you are a woman and your ideal height is:

  • 1.45m. Your ideal weight is between 45 and 59 kg.
  • 1.52 m -Your ideal weight is between 47 and 62 kg.
  • 1.60 m – Your ideal weight is between 50 and 67 kg.
  • 1.65 m -Your ideal weight is between 53 and 71 kg.
  • +1.70 m – Your ideal weight should be greater than 53 kg.

If you are a man and your ideal height is:

  • 1.60 m. Your ideal weight is between 57 and 68 kg.
  • 1.65m. Your ideal weight is between 59 and 72 kg.
  • 1.70 m. Your ideal weight is between 61 and 76 kg.
  • 1.80 m. Your ideal weight should be greater than 67 kg.


Now analyze the result

  • If it is less than 19, your weight is below normal and you should consult with a specialist.
  • If it is between 19 and 24, your weight is ideal, you have to maintain it.
  • If it is between 25 and 30, you are overweight and should incorporate healthy habits.
  • If it is over 30, you suffer from obesity and should seek help as quickly as possible.

Some tips to achieve or maintain our ideal weightis to incorporate a 30-minute daily routine, generating healthy habits such as reducing the intake of salt, soda and flour. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water.

But overweight or, in a more aggravated stage, obesity They do not always mean leading a sedentary life, but are often due to illnesses. hormonalAs the hypothyroidismwhich shoot the hormone secretion. It is for this reason very important to consult with a doctor to have a more specific diagnosis.

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