The Human Proteome Project seeks to define the catalog of proteins associated with diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer’s

Identify the proteins that are encoded by each of the 24 chromosomes It will make it possible to define the catalog of proteins and thus advance in the understanding and treatment of various diseases. This is one of the main objectives of the Human Proteome Project in which they work 25 research groups from 21 countries.

Human Proteome is an international scientific initiative that aims to fully decipher, over the next decade, the functioning, action, amino acid sequence and folding of each of the human proteins. After the sequencing of the human genome, the next goal is know the products of the genomebeing able to be close to 500,000 protein variants within each individual of our species.
“This project seeks to identify, characterize, quantify and locate the totality of the proteins encoded by the human genome. The products of genes give structure and function to cells and to the organisms that are made of them. These products are the ones that really work and work in the cell, which is why it is important to know about them”Explain Sergio Manuel Encarnacion Guevararesearcher and academic secretary of the , that leads the Mexican team that participates in the global consortium. This professional is a pioneer in this branch of knowledge in Mexico as he is responsible and co-founder of the first proteomics laboratory in the country, located at the CCG.

Build a map of protein architecture

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According to this expert, the proteome is dynamic and its components vary in each organism, tissue or cell compartment. These changes are due to their environment, physiological condition, stage of development, drug action or stress situations, among others.
One of the goals of the international consortium, remarks the also president of the Mexican Society of Proteomics, is identify the proteins that are encoded by each of the 24 chromosomes and the mitochondrial proteome, to define the protein catalog.
In addition it is intended build a map of protein architecture and interaction, a tool that will be essential to elucidate its biological and molecular role in health and disease. This will produce Advances in the understanding and treatment of diseases.
This global initiative is led by the (HUPO), a consortium of 25 scientific groups from 21 countrieswhich cover the study of the 24 chromosomes and mitochondria. exist 2,186 proteins for which there is no experimental evidence. The mission of each of these consortia is to identify all the proteins.
The Mexican scientific group is responsible for investigating the chromosome 19 proteinsthe second largest in the human organism, and associated with the cancer, Alzheimer’s, familial hypercholesterolemia, and congenital hypothyroidismamong other ills. There are 1,429 proteins potentially encoded by chromosome 19, but of 237 no evidence has yet been found at the protein level and they are called missing proteins.
This chromosome contains genes that code for proteins involved in the development of a wide range of disorders. Specifically, this team of researchers studies human proteomics with a focus on cancer, the second leading cause of death on the planet. The Completion of this project is expected for 2028and it is expected to contribute to an individualized medicine.

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