VGo: a mobile telepresence robot –

/p>He VGo mobile telepresence robot is a solution that includes everything you need to “visit” people who are in a remote place.
This is especially useful for making medical appointments without having to travel, visit the elderly or sick who are hospitalized, or so that students who have some type of disability or immunodeficiency can follow classes without having to travel.
Distributed exclusively in our country by the consultant ICT Setesca, this system can be controlled remotely, so that it is possible to move it in the desired direction without the need for physical presence. To do this, VGo incorporates sophisticated technology, despite which the use of the device is very simple for the user.
The person connecting remotely only has to install the VGo app on your iPad or computer (PC or Mac), click on the location you want to visit where the VGo. The system connects via Wi-Fi and telepresence can now be started.
At the top of the robot is the screen through which the person who is in another place can be seen and heard and where the camera is located to capture video. Moving it is also very easy: just move the mouse in the desired direction and you can even tilt the screen to see something in particular.

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