The drink to lose up to 5 kilos in 7 days and mark abs

Nutrition experts recommend drinking a glass of red tea every night (or in the afternoon). This drink prevents fluid retention, promotes digestion and helps lose weight, in addition to many other benefits for our health.

One of the areas of the body that you want to reduce before is the one in the hips. Said fat protrudes above the clothes and is most frustrating to remove. It is common for anyone who is going to the gym to notice that their belly is losing weight, but that hip fat is still there. How to remove it? Guanluca del Mastro explains from his giangosogit profile (which has thousands of followers) how to eliminate what is called “nightstands”.

The first thing he recommends is to try to consume between 200 and 400 kilocalories below the calories you eat per day. That is to say, eat less. “Count your calories so you keep track of what you’re consuming. That way, you can stay in a caloric deficit and lose fat,” he says.

The next thing he recommends is ingest 2 grams of protein per kilo weight. Try, also, that 70% of your diet comes from clean and unprocessed foods.

“Remember that to facilitate this caloric deficit it is necessary that let’s look for ways to spend more calories in our daily activity. Train intensely, you can walk to places you would go by car, you can use the stairs, you can stand instead of sitting,” he says. That is why it is important to increase energy expenditure during the day by doing simple routines such as parking the car a little further away, use stairs spend more time on your feet, try to walk to places€

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Finally, increase hobbies that assume an energy expenditure. “Organize plans that require physical activity It’s a great way to stay active as well.”