The dried fruit that you should start eating now to lose weight and lose fat

They are a healthy and nutritious option to include in a diet to lose weight. Although they are high in calories and fat, they are also rich in protein, fiber, and numerous essential vitamins and minerals. Some of the reasons why walnuts can be beneficial for weight loss include:

  • They are high in protein: They are an excellent source of protein, making them a solid choice for replenishing protein after exercise or adding more protein to a meal. Protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass during weight loss and can also help control appetite and promote feelings of satiety.

  • They Contain Healthy Fats: Although nuts are high in fat, most of the fats contained in nuts are healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. These fats can help lower cholesterol and promote heart health. Additionally, healthy fats can also help control appetite and promote feelings of fullness.

  • They are high in fiber: Walnuts are also high in fiber, making them a beneficial option for digestion and appetite control. Fiber is found in the shell of the walnut, so it is important to eat the walnuts in their shells to get the maximum benefits.

  • They are versatile: Nuts are very versatile and can be added to a wide variety of foods to increase their protein content and healthy fats. They can be added to salads, mixed with dried fruit to make a mix, or simply eaten as a snack.

Although nuts are a healthy and nutritious option to include in a diet to lose weight, it is important to remember that they are also high in calories. Therefore, it is important to control the portions and not exceed your consumption. A serving of nuts is generally considered a small handful, equaling about 1/4 cup, or 28 grams. It is also important to remember that nuts should be combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise routine.

Nuts in general help to lose weight and, consequently, also fat. Excess fat could cause heart problems, so they are good for you. They also keep certain factors at bay such as high blood pressure, hyperglycemia.

We have said that there are many nuts and we can also make the differences between the different types. Let’s take the example of hazelnuts, or commonly called walnuts. These have a large amount of unsaturated fat. They are also rich in vitamin E, very useful for our health. They are very popular as a snack, eaten for breakfast or even before going to the gym. They are also very helpful in protecting the arteries.

How to preserve hazelnuts

They will need to be roasted and sealed in a hot jar. With this method they can be kept for up to ten years if they are closed correctly. That is why it is important to know all the storage methods. We have just explained the substantial difference between hazelnuts and walnuts and the properties they possess.

How to use them in the kitchen

There are many uses. Some use them as an ingredient to make pasta. In fact, walnuts are widely used to garnish various dishes. For example, the speck and walnuts, a very simple but impressive recipe. They can be used in the preparation of sauces. But they are also commonly eaten as a snack. In total, it is recommended to consume about 3 a day, which corresponds to 15 g and 100 kcal.

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