Ten tips that work if you are an extremely sensitive person

Being hypersensitive is a characteristic of some people that could become a disorder at some point, if allowed to progress to unmanageable levels.

This condition of hypersensitivity is, according to American psychology doctor Susan Blall Haas, from the portal, underestimated or misinterpreted by some health professionals, but it is of vital importance for the person who suffers from it.

These are 10 simple tasks that an overly sensitive person can do to live with their condition:

  1. Sleep well: The expert recommends at least 7 hours of continuous and restful sleep a day, since less can mean greater irritability, lack of concentration and lower productivity.
  2. Have a healthy diet: a diet with enough vegetables, little or no sugar, low in fat and with sufficient sources of Omega 3 (found in fish such as salmon and tuna, nuts and seeds such as chia). Dr. Blall also recommends healthy snacks between meals. It may interest you:
  3. Reduce ambient noise: The expert points out that a very sensitive person should use headphones that suppress outside noise (noise cancalling), either to have more silence or to listen to soft music without having to have the volume high.
  4. Avoid noise and crowds: Hypersensitive people become exhausted more easily in environments with too many people or noise, and therefore it is advisable to take relaxation breaks or, for example, spend time alone and in silence after a challenging event, such as a concert, a party or a family meeting.
  5. A hideout: The hypersensitive person should have a place in their home where they can breathe a lot of peace and silence so that there they can recover from the day of work, study or exposure to crowds and noise.
  6. Time and zero effort: The sensitive person must do things at their own pace, without falling into worry or stress. It’s taking time to do things well.
  7. Limit caffeine consumption: If you drink too many cups of coffee or black tea, excessive consumption is not recommended, as it tends to speed you up, instead of calming you down.
  8. Light with low intensity: It is advisable to have a light dimmer at home (dimmer) or install bulbs with warm (yellow) light that is not very bright, since the hypersensitive person is also sensitive to very bright light.
  9. Do errands at different times: To avoid crowds, the specialist says that it works, for example, to do the market at night, when there are almost no people, or avoid rush hours to run bank errands.
  10. Surround yourself with nature: If it is not possible to live on the outskirts of the city, plants and gardens help the hypersensitive person calm down if they see the green of the foliage and the colors of the flowers. And if water sources are added to those gardens, much better.
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