Eight myths and truths about vasectomy

Men also have the autonomy to decide whether or not to have children, as well as the time in their life when they want to do so.

Vasectomy is a contraceptive method that is becoming increasingly stronger as it is fast, safe and effective.

However, the numbers still show that for every 9 women who have tubal ligation, only 1 man has a vasectomy.

What is this phenomenon due to? To the beliefs and myths that have been built around this procedure. For this reason, here we tell you what is true and false about vasectomy.

Take note!

Is it a complex surgery?


Vasectomy is an outpatient procedure, very simple, minimally invasive and with a very quick recovery.

Can I do it during the pandemic?


All sexual and reproductive health services are essential; Even if we are under a distancing measure, you can access contraception methods such as vasectomy.

Does it affect sexual potency?


The man’s sexual function remains completely the same and the amount of semen is the same, the sensation of pleasure can even be greater since the fear of impregnating his partner is eliminated.

Does a vasectomy not protect against sexually transmitted infections?


Vasectomy is a method solely to prevent unwanted pregnancies; To prevent STIs, it is necessary to use a condom.

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Does a vasectomy make you gain weight?


On the contrary, vasectomy can be the door for men to be more aware of the risks of obesity, hypertension, and sexually transmitted infections. Etc.

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Is vasectomy reversible?


There is a procedure called Vasovasostomy, which attempts to reconnect the vas deferens, with which there is a percentage of probability of once again having the possibility of fertilizing the egg. Keep in mind that the percentage of effectiveness is very low.

Is it necessary to have children to have a vasectomy?


The only requirement is to be of legal age. A man who decides to have a vasectomy shares the responsibilities for contraception and planning with his partner. Do you have more questions? Contact us through our phone line or WhatsApp chat.