TANTRIC SEX: What it is, Benefits and Keys for Beginners

Tantric sex is a way of practicing sex that is part of the Eastern discipline called “tantra”, which is closely linked to Buddhism and Hinduism. In addition, tantra also refers to rituals and/or energy stimuli, which, together with sexual practice, grant love and relationships to the people who practice it. We usually associate tantra, Buddhism and Hinduism with personal growth, meditation and/or contemplation, the three options being understood as a path to evolve spiritually. Thus, tantra covers all the aspects already mentioned, both those of a sexual nature and those of growth. But what is so special about tantric sex? If you want to know what tantra is and what it is for, we invite you to continue reading this Psychology-Online article: Tantric sex, what it is, benefits and keys for beginners.

What is tantric sex or sacred sexuality? As we mentioned in the introduction, tantric sex is a part of tantra, Buddhist and Hindu discipline. Thus, tantra or tantrism refers to the secrets found in the religious texts and rituals of Buddhism and Hinduism. Well, these texts include, among other aspects, the secrets that include sex as a way to achieve greater sensitivity and focus the energy of the universe.

In our society, we usually associate the greatest sexual pleasure with orgasm, coinciding, in the case of men, with ejaculation. On the contrary, the goal of tantric sex is not ejaculation, since ejaculation is considered a waste of energy. For this reason, it is intended that practitioners reach achieve orgasm without ejaculating.

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It should be noted that what gives that special touch to tantric sex is the fact that, although it is pleasurable, it is not designed to achieve pleasure, but rather, in the same way as in , it is a way of access self-knowledge and receive energy.

But what makes it more special is the fact that one sex is not considered superior to the other. In tantric sex there is no room to distinguish between the superiority of one sex or another, between the beautiful and the ugly, between the good and the bad, and between the pure and the impure. So that, tantric sex is practiced completely normallyFurthermore, with a normality superior to what we experience in our societies today.

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