Solutions for your family tree according to Biodecoding

When each of us has a personal problem already identified, we usually try to fix it individually. If there has been a misunderstanding with a friend, we try to talk to him or her.

Solutions for your family tree — Biodescoding

We try to visit him to talk, call him on the phone, send a message inviting him to talk about what happened, etc. When we have had a labor problem, we try to speak with our boss or with the director or owner of the company.

If we have legal problems, we go to a lawyer or we are asking for recommendations from a lawyer who can help us.

  • But what happens when our problems were inherited by the Family Tree? and..
  • What happens when that The person responsible for the problem we are now experiencing has passed away and we could not even get to know him or her?

“Not resolved yet” “How do I resolve it?”

It happens then, that for our subconscious brain, this problem “still not resolved”, we have not been able to free ourselves from that emotion. Of that guilt or suffering.

Those of us who have already worked with our family tree and have discovered the burdens we carry, the unresolved problems we have inherited, the life stories we are repeating, ALWAYS it’s a big unknown “HOW DO I SOLVE IT?”

Let’s think, analyze…

If the cause of our current problem was the paternal great-grandfather’s love life, how could we solve it? He is no longer alive, we didn’t even meet him, it’s impossible to call him on the phone, we can’t visit him at his house, we can’t send him a message with our cell phone… think…

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The subconscious

  • What if we take a picture of you and talk?
  • have you ever tried talk to a photograph?

For the subconscious mind, it doesn’t matter if we talk to a person face to face, than if we talk to their photograph. Have you ever tried to speak on the phone with a person who “is no longer there”?

For the subconscious mind, it doesn’t matter if we take our cell phone “off” and pretend to dial the great-grandfather’s phone (rationally we know that great-grandfather is not there and he doesn’t have a phone), but the subconscious mind can be “fooled”, remember that.

So, take your cell phone, turn it off (so it doesn’t receive notifications, messages, or calls, while you do the release work). Pretend to type a phone number and pretend to talk to great-grandpa, tell him what you want to say, ask him, claim him, yell at him, cry at him and free yourself.

Nobody is on the other side of the phone line, you already know that consciously, but for your subconscious, YES YOU ARE TALKING TO HIM and that frees you You take out your emotions, your frustrations, and you free yourself.

phone call is liberating

Just as talking to a photograph or faking a phone call is liberating. It’s also a very good technique, burning things, breaking things, burying things.

All these actions, for the subconscious mind mean “END SOMETHING”, “BREAK WITH SOMETHING”, “GIVE AN END TO SOMETHING”.

So, let’s imagine that great-grandfather always wore a red shirt with black plaid. In the photos, he always appears in that red shirt with black squares.

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Why don’t you get a red shirt with black plaid, which in your mind represents your great-grandfather, and tear it up? Or do you bury it? Or do you burn it?

ending relationships

To your subconscious mind, you are “terminating relationships” with that great-grandfather. Those actions release you emotionally. Usually a duel card is clear enough. , your frustration, your anger, your resentment, your hatred, your sadness… it’s enough.

But many people with more visual or more auditory and perhaps emotionally need other elements in addition to the letter to reinforce the release.

What if you are very hearing and you want to free your great-grandfather but you don’t know how?

Look for the “sounds” that could represent your great-grandfather. That song that he listened to so much, that snoring that he made at night, that guitar or violin or accordion or flute music or whatever because he played an instrument, that song or melody that he sang…

Look for the object that represents that sound, look for that song, look for that instrument.

Let’s imagine that the great-grandfather played the trumpet

You are not going to destroy a trumpet, but you can look for a trumpet audio, a photo of a trumpet, that vinyl with trumpet music… and when you are burning your letter, you also burn the photo of the trumpet, put trumpet music in the background (that you previously entered into your cell phone), etc.

Thus the trumpet music, trumpet images, accompany your work of liberation.

Therefore, and depending on the people you want to free yourself from. Depending on the situations you want to release, you can add objects or items to your release job.

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mourning cards

, as the main liberating element, can be accompanied by burning, destruction, and burial of objects. Even a letter written while looking at a photograph of the person you are writing about tends to be more intense.

Are you repairing family economic histories and want to free yourself from it?

Was the great-grandfather a gambler or a gambler? Add, for example, some poker cards or some chips to your burning or burial.

Was the great-grandfather an alcoholic? He buries, breaks or destroys some bottles of what he drank (beer, rum, etc).

Ideas can come up many

They can even find a precise item for each of the family members included in your bereavement letter.

Remember that burn or destroy a mourning card, it must be an intense, liberating moment. It must emotionally mark a change towards a new life without emotional charges that do not correspond to you, therefore, any element that you want to add is valid.

Go ahead with your liberation work, because you will be the one who decides what elements you can add to feel better and start that new life that you deserve so much.

So things…

More about family tree

Elizabeth Romero Sanchez and Edgar Romero Franco