It is a form of therapy that combines work with the body and the mind, to help people resolve their emotional problems, and better understand their potential for pleasure and the joy of living.
What is bioenergetics? Principles and exercises
A fundamental thesis of bioenergetics is that body and mind are fundamentally identical: that is, what happens in the mind reflects what is happening in the body and vice versa. (Alexander and Leslie Lowen)
The body is the basic unit of our life, the expression of our existence. Everything that happens to us is stored and reflected in our body. The body is therefore the reflection of our personal and interpersonal history.
free circulation of energy
Emotional or psychological disorders do not manifest in isolation but have an impact on the body, fixing itself at the muscular level and producing blocks that prevent the free circulation of energy, and like a vicious circle, these energy blockages affect our physical, emotional and mental health. .
Our shell or armor has largely desensitized us to both the painful and the pleasant, and that means that our communication with the exterior and interior has paled, it has become a caricature of its full potential.
The irony is that we can spend almost a lifetime like this, believing that this is the maximum to which we can aspire. (Bioenergetics)
Bioenergetics, despite existing hundreds of years ago, was rediscovered in the last century thanks to Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), a disciple of Freud. While Freud was analyzing a patient on a couch and listening to him, Reich was observing his body in expressive action, that is to say, radically somatic.
Finally, in 1930, Reich introduced bodywork into the therapeutic process. Alexander Lowen Alexander Lowen created Bioenergetic Analysis, continuing the work of Wilhelm Reich Wilhelm Reich.
Currently, bioenergetics evolves thanks to the contributions of psychologists, psychiatrists, biologists and doctors such as Daniel Stern, John Bowlby, Stanley Keleman, Robert Lewis and John Pierrakos among others.
Principles of Bioenergetic Therapy
- Any limitation in the movement of the body is the result of an emotional difficulty whose conflict has not been resolved.
- Any restriction on natural breathing reduces the vitality of the body, therefore these restrictions are not voluntary and were developed to survive in an environment and culture that denies bodily values.
bioenergetics exercises
They are meant to help the person get in touch with their tensions, and release them through appropriate movement. They are done in therapy sessions, in classes, and at home.
Those who carry them out report a positive effect on their energy, their mood and their work. These exercises help:
- Increase the vibratory state of the body.
- Seat the person on their legs and on their body.
- Deepen the breath.
- Sharpen the perception of oneself.
- Expand self-expression.
In addition, they can improve body shape, increase sexual feelings and promote self-confidence.
Bioenergetics is the vibrant path to health, and the path to vibrant health. “Vibrant health” does not refer only to the absence of disease, but to the condition of being fully alive and alive.
Anti-stress bioenergetic exercises with Sara Sara