Six signs to know if I am suffering from stress

Managing stress in time will allow you to have control of your physical and mental health by avoiding some complicated diseases in the future.

You have a lot of work and your boss calls you to ask you to make that delivery today, but also increase other things, so you won’t be able to have a quiet lunch, and in the process you argue with your partner over something stupid. Your energy and concentration are gone. Two minutes later a friend calls you and asks: “How are you?” Your answer is clear: “stressed.”

Do you want to know if you have stress? Do this and learn some tools to manage it.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines stress as: “the set of physiological reactions that prepares the body for action. In global terms it is a biological warning system necessary for survival. Any change or different circumstance that arises in our lives, such as changing jobs, speaking in public, appearing for an interview or changing housing, can generate stress. Although it will also depend on the physical and mental state of each individual.”

It is normal for us to experience it through a headache or low productivity at work. However, we must manage its symptoms precisely to control it and not allow it to progress to diseases with a high level of complexity.

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Depending on the duration, there are two levels of stress:

Short-term stress

It disappears quickly and is caused when we face a scare or a new emotion. At that moment our body releases hormones that make the brain more alert, the muscles tense and the pulse increase. These reactions are the body’s way of protecting itself.

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Chronic stress

It is when stress continues, for weeks or months, In this case, the body remains alert even when there is no danger. The reasons for this may be due to work, economic and relationship problems. Getting used to it can cause some health risks such as: have high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes, obesity, depression, anxiety, acne and alterations in the menstrual cycle.

Do you have stress? Take the following test and find out:

The most common effects of stress

According to Mayo Clinic experts, they are clearly evident in the body, mood and behavior. Some may be:

  1. Have headache generates excessive or under-consumption of food.
  2. a muscle pain It can cause you to have moments of anger and restlessness.
  3. If you feel chest pain and fatigue You may experience a lack of motivation and may be prompted to use cigarettes, drugs or alcohol.
  4. upset stomach It is caused by sadness or depression, and it leads you to slow down the pace of exercise.
  5. A change in sexual desire It can be fostered by irritability and anger.
  6. The same happens with tiredness, sleeping problems, weight loss or gain, frequent aches and pains, and poor memory.

When you feel these changes or symptoms of stress, you should take measures to control it: start practicing a physical activity of your choice such as run, jog, jump rope, dance or take a virtual class, practice relaxation techniques with yoga and meditation.

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How to treat stress?

Share quality time with your family, And if he is far away, dedicate a space a day to talk by phone or video call. Do the same with your friends, count on them to talk about good and bad days.

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Take some space to play online, organize your things, take care of your plants, read, watch movies and favorite series. When you do, think that not everything can be work.

See a doctor if symptoms continue and find with its help the possible causes and solutions. If you see it necessary, you also have the option of see a mental health professional. Don’t self-medicate.

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