Sharon Stone announces that she suffers from a “large fibrous tumor”: What it is and how it can be detected

the interpreter of basic instinctamong many other films, assures on his social networks that he has undergone an improper operation after “another wrong diagnosis” that led to “an incorrect procedure.”

  • “With worsening pain, I asked for a second opinion and am suffering from a large fibrous tumor that needs to be removed.”

“I already had to learn to walk, talk…”

Sharon Stone’s life has not been a bed of roses. She suffered a heart attack that put her life at risk, as she explained a few months ago on the “El Hormiguero” program. of Antenna ·

  • “According to the doctors, I had a 1% chance of living. It was more than a stroke. There was a complete rupture of my left cerebral artery and I was bleeding for days.”

This stroke, as she herself has admitted.

  • “I had short and long term memory loss

  • I lost part of my left ear

  • I had stuttering problems

  • I did not feel the left leg, from the hip to the knee

  • I had to learn to walk, read, speak, write… It was like starting from scratch.”

Fibrous tumor: symptoms and treatment

More than twenty years later, Sharon Stone faces a new blow to her health: large fibroid tumor.

As explained by , it is a benign tumor in the uterus and that, generally, it is common among women of childbearing age.

Fibroids are made up of muscle cells that grow on the uterine wall, which is made up of three layers (endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium).

This type of tumor usually has no symptoms. However, there are signs (that go unnoticed) that could indicate that you have this disease:

  • Dysmenorrhea: very abundant and painful menstruation.
  • Pain during rsexual elations.

  • infertilitymultiple abortions (Stone herself has confessed that she has suffered nine spontaneous abortions throughout her life) and premature birth.
  • Pain in the lower part of the back.

  • Constipation.
  • Need to pee often.

Although there are no data on their incidence, uterine fibroids are quite common, although since they do not present symptoms, they are usually diagnosed only during a pelvic examination or a routine prenatal ultrasound.

Depending on your location, there are two kinds of fibrous tumors:

  • intramuralthose that grow within the muscular wall of the uterus.
  • submucousprotrude into the cavity of the uterus.

Treatment also depends on the location of the tumor and its size.

  • Myomectomy. It is a surgical procedure to remove uterine fibroids. This option does not compromise the fertility of the woman, so it is recommended for those patients who want to become pregnant.
  • embolization. It is a minimally invasive procedure in which the blood flow of the tumor is interrupted. It is intended for women who are not planning a pregnancy in the future.
  • myolysis. This treatment consists of shrinking the fibroids through a heat source that uses electrical discharges. It is also a minimally invasive intervention, with a laparoscope.

What are the causes?

To this day, the cause of uterine fibroids is unknown. However, hormones could be responsible for many of the cases. Because the estrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for helping the development of the uterine lining during menstruation, also stimulate the growth of these tumors.

They are dangerous?

Although it is a benign tumor, it can carry a health risk by considerably decreasing the number of red blood cells, which can trigger a . and this disease yes it can be life threatening if not treated in time.

In women of childbearing age it is not a problem to get pregnant, unless the fibroids are submucous, which cause infertility or spontaneous abortion.

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