Sedentary lifestyle: how does it affect us and what are the risks to our mental and physical health?

A sedentary lifestyle is an increasingly common practice in different population groups. From children and young people to adolescents and adults, they can suffer the consequences of a sedentary life.

What is sedentary lifestyle?

The term sedentary lifestyle comes from the Latin “sedens”, which means to remain seated. The practice refers to the lifestyle of people who do no or almost no physical activity for long periods of time. When a person spends most of the day without physical activityis considered a sedentary person.

A sedentary condition can generate significant problems for both physical and mental health. According to the World Health Organization, sedentary lifestyle and inactivity is one of the most important public health problems currently, since it affects millions of people in the world. According to WHO figures, About 81% of the young population does not do enough physical activity.

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Covid 19a pandemic that forced a large part of the population to lock themselves in their homes, was a factor that increased sedentary lifestyle, home schooling, working at home, isolation and other practices that increased during this time They were determining factors in the growth of a sedentary life. Although, to tell the truth, pre-pandemic social, school and work practices have not historically favored a sedentary lifestyle either.

Physical consequences of a sedentary lifestyle

  • Overweight and obesity
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Hormonal alteration
  • Sleeping problems
  • Coronary heart diseases
  • Headache
  • Hypertension

However, a sedentary lifestyle not only affects our physical life, but also our mental health. Studies have determined that doing some type of physical activity, at least hours a week, can help reduce the risk of developing mental disorders by up to 25%. Addiction to video games, cell phones, social networks or others have been factors that further aggravate sedentary lifestyle, especially in younger people..

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Some tips to combat a sedentary lifestyle

All practices against a sedentary lifestyle imply that we change, even a little, our habits. But we don’t need to do too much. With effort we are already helping each other.

We also recommend:

  1. Start to walk: Walking at least 15 minutes a day is an activity that favors our vascular system.
  2. Forget the car from time to time: Whenever possible, try to get around by walking or cycling. It has been shown that, for the routes of less than 5 kilometers in large metropolises that do not have a very good road infrastructure or an optimal transportation system, It is more effective to use a bicycle. This exercise is highly recommended.
  3. No more elevator: If you use an elevator in your home, workplace or studio, stop doing so. Climbing stairs is also a healthy activity for your muscles, heart and balance.
  4. Active breaks: A fundamental recommendation when you work for a long time at a desk is to take active breaks of at least 5 minutes every hour. You can perform short walks, stretches and exercises such as squats to exercise your legs and arms.
  5. Dance: In your free time, weekends or other spaces conducive to this, we recommend moving your skeleton. The benefits of dancing are multiple in our physical and mental lives.

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