Reflection on fear, the destroyer of goals –

Fear, the destroyer of goals. It is incredible how fear has the ability to destroy our dreams; Sometimes we set goals and fail to achieve them because fear fills us with insecurities and makes us create so many stories in our minds that we lose focus and become paralyzed. The important thing at that moment is to confront that fear little by little and launch ourselves into the goals we want to achieve; In my case, for example, for a long time I told myself that I wanted to speak on TED Talk or TEDEX, the platform on which many successful people have told their success stories and I had no doubt that I could do it, but the question was when? ? This is a very big challenge for me because I have never spoken in front of millions of people who have the opportunity to see these conferences and of course, the challenge made me wonder if I am good enough to do it? But I knew that that fear must be broken step by step. So this weekend I wrote the presentation for the TEDEX committee that decides who will have the opportunity to present; It took me a long time to write it because in just 2 minutes I had to present my story or what I want to tell, but the important thing is that fear did not limit me and I managed to create a powerful presentation. When we begin to see the progress of those dream goals that we have, life is more beautiful and full of satisfaction; That is why today I invite you to control fear and create the necessary goals to have the life you want, do not let fear limit you, go ahead and start creating a wonderful life. That is the reflection of the day. Please, to view the content of your profile

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