PSYCHOLOGY – Information and Techniques

The storage of favorable information is one of the most important capacities that human beings possess. Along the history, Several researchers have shown interest in understanding how memory works. In this sense, it is known that the brain is one of the organs

Reflection and questioning are two aspects that stand out in human relationships. Generally, understanding what our thoughts are and questioning them can be a search for opportunities to develop activities or projects in everyday life. However, sometimes the answers

The decision to become a father or mother is one of the most significant and momentous choices a person can face. throughout his life. While some feel a deep certainty that they want parents from the first moment, for others the question of whether they want to have a child

It is normal to want to talk to friends and family when we need support or to meet up on the weekends. The frequency with which you speak with a friend can vary widely and depends on the nature of your friendship, your personal preferences and individual circumstances. The communication

White noise is a specific sound that includes all audible frequencies. It is a broadband noise that can be between 20 hertz at 20,000 hertz measured in decibels. If we took all the sounds that the human ear can hear and combined them at a comfortable volume, we would be faced with the

The increase in the suicide rate is a worrying and complex phenomenon that responds to various factors. Media coverage of events acquaintances linked to suicides is one of the situations that arouses the greatest interest in mental health. Furthermore, imitating these harmful behaviors

Dreaming about angels is one of the most positive dreams that exists because it is related to purity, protection, guidance and kindness. Generally, these Dreams symbolize a strong connection with the EE. There are even those who consider them as a sign of protection from some higher entity. In any case, the figure

The “nervous stomach” feeling is a common symptom of anxiety. When a person experiences anxiety, the body goes into a alertness, which can trigger a series of physical responses, including those that affect the gastrointestinal system such as the nerves in the

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Nerves in the stomach when waking up is a clinical condition that a person can experience when faced with situations that generate anguish, anxiety, sadness or uncertainty. When it is not possible to process these feelings in any other way, the body manifests them through physical symptoms.

Communication skills are essential in all areas of life, as they represent our ability to express our ideas, feelings and emotions. This influences the way we relate in work, personal, romantic and professional contexts. These skills

Communication is an essential part of life and human relationships. In most cases, it gives us the opportunity to connect, share experiences and build meaningful relationships with others. However, there are times when a conversation can become a source of stress.

There is no scientific evidence to prove the fact that dreaming about someone means that that person is thinking about you. Nevertheless, The world of dreams is so complex that the repetitive presence of someone in your dreams could be related to emotions or feelings towards that person.

The brain has a complex structure that is divided into different sectors responsible for specific tasks. One of these departments is responsible for processing motivation and pleasure through a brain reward system. This system translates the things we experience

The analysis of female behaviors is a research topic that was taken into account by several psychological currents. To root Due to the great impact it represents on the development of love life, many people are reflected in ways of thinking and feeling that impact their actions.

In the Region of Murcia there are one and a half million inhabitants, many of whom require professional help to overcome problems. which we face daily in our lives. The most prominent causes that make a large number of people need psychological support range from

In a world where kindness and compassion are both highly prized and rare virtues, sometimes good people run into problems. situations in which they receive abuse from others. Why do we sometimes find ourselves in situations where we are treated badly despite our efforts

Work can be an activity that generates a series of inconveniences in the development of daily life. The conditions that appear fears of work are one of the causes most investigated by psychology and psychiatry. In this sense, work ergophobia is one of the disorders

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When you experience anxiety, you may notice problems with your vision, such as difficulty seeing clearly, sensitivity to light, hyperventilation, eye strain and even pain in specific moments of tension and uncertainty. In this sense, it is important to keep in mind that this condition is not only

In the midst of the fourth industrial revolution, the transversal skills of people who apply to obtain a good job have become an essential component for professional success. In addition to the work context, these skills focus on a person’s capacity for adaptation

Narcissists are people who are characterized by having feelings of grandeur and an exacerbated self-love, as well as a need for control and dominating their environment to hide their insecurities. One of the most frequent acts in people with these peculiarities is spying on people who

Passive-aggressive covert narcissism is one of the pathologies that can occur in people with a severe mental health disorder. Often, the treatment that can be carried out is complex due to the difficulty involved in this diagnosis. In this sense, the persistence of behavior,

High levels of concentration are one of the most controversial research topics that have been detected in the field of medicine. and psychology. In general, excessive focus can impact the development of activities of daily living. Although this could sometimes be considered

Broken heart syndrome is a psychological condition that manifests itself with a series of physical and emotional symptoms. The heart is the epicenter of our deepest emotions, however, its fragility is not limited to the physical realm, but extends to the complexities of the emotional world.

Within relationships with narcissistic people, the concept of zero contact has become an action with great results. It is about of a strategy that involves breaking all communication and contact with a person, especially in the context of a conflictive relationship that is unhealthy.

Excessive dreaming disorder is one of the most prevalent clinical conditions today. In general terms, this condition can cause negative situations that harm the person’s performance in various areas of daily life, such as work, education or relationships.

Pink noise is within the spectrum of sounds that are audible to humans and is a noise that helps to fall asleep and improve sleep. some cognitive functions such as memory and concentration. In fact, it is a relaxing and fresh sound that invites calm and facilitates the transition of the subconscious.

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Throughout our existence there may be people who leave unpleasant traces, because they hurt us or mistreat us in some way. By For this reason, it is common to dream about someone who has hurt you, especially if you have not yet overcome the anger, sadness or pain they caused you. These types of dreams reflect

The thoughts of a person with a personality disorder usually acquire particular nuances, which causes them to present characteristics extremely diverse and can respond to the environment under special behaviors. In this sense, schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that impairs performance

Coexistence is a delicate balance of personalities, values ​​and habits, and we often find ourselves sharing spaces with people that can challenge our tolerance and patience to the maximum. Whether it’s a roommate, a work colleague, or even a family member, learning to

Being in contact with a toxic person does not have to be suffering. Often, there is a tendency to believe that these types of people can exercise a direct domination over their victims through a series of strategies that are difficult to decipher. If these behaviors are not interrupted and laying is avoided

Not being able to stop thinking about someone is a common phenomenon and can have various reasons, which can vary depending on the situation and relationship. that you have with that person, such as attraction or love, concern, need for closure, novelty or unrequited interest, among others. Despite the complications

Dealing with people who treat you badly can be challenging, but it is important to handle these situations in a positive and constructive way, with empathy and assertive communication. The reasons why individuals treat someone poorly are diverse and often complex, in which they may interact

Dealing with a narcissist can be complicated and difficult, as their behavior tends to be self-centered and manipulative. In this sense, it It is about possessive, individualistic and egocentric human beings who seek a sense of well-being without any regard for the emotions of others.

Paranoia is a term used in psychology and psychiatry to describe a type of thought disorder characterized…