Prevention measures for bulimia nervosa



thank you it helped me a lot



I am 16 years old and I don’t have that vomiting thing but it makes me want to do it, I have almost the majority of the symptoms and obviously I can’t confirm it if I don’t go to a specialist, but it worries me, since my parents did not educate me in good habits. I don’t eat anything, as one of the symptoms says, in short periods at most and quickly, then I want to vomit but I know it’s bad but I want to do it and I try to avoid it, I tried once, I couldn’t.
I don’t like this, every time I eat too much, I just lock myself up and cry in my room, saying to myself: “Why did I do it?” Or “Why are other boys thin and I, even if I do exercises, can’t do it?!”, it’s normal for this to happen with girls but… being a boy I worry about my figure, I’m 1.65 tall, I hate my height , I weigh 64 kg, I hate my weight, sometimes I have anxiety about eating too much! I study at night and when I get home I want something but I try to abstain from it, sometimes yes, sometimes no, I hate that, eating is my delirium, I don’t know what it means to eat delicious food or enjoy it, I just eat and that’s it! I hate that! It all started with something typical, my graduation is close and I want to lose weight, 64 to 59 kg is impossible in a few weeks with exercises and a healthy diet, that’s why I want to lose it now! I don’t like this, after having lunch at my school my stomach hurts horribly, I have gastritis, according to the doctor who treated me, I took tests and all that! It always hurts me, on Wednesdays they give me money to buy food at school but… I don’t do it, I bring fruit or sometimes nothing to school, I don’t drink much water because it hurts my stomach during recess. which is normally at 10 am I try to eat something so my stomach doesn’t hurt but without or with food it’s the same thing, I HATE IT! I want to lose weight! My will is shit, my body, my height, everything is! You will say that I should have told my parents about my condition but…I already know that they are not going to take it seriously! So I decided to consult with you, they took me to most of the psychologists in my town and they are all mediocre for me, well of the ones I visited, I ended up with the same thing, draw the little tree, a person under the rain, etc. typical!
I’m just saying…I don’t like the life I lead because of my anxiety or “bulimia” since I suffer a lot!

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