Pinworms: Do They Really Come Out From Eating Sweets? What should be done and what not?

The threadworm, better known as intestinal worms, are nothing more than a parasite, the enterobius vermicularis or pinworm. The particularity of this ‘little bug’ is that it has a single host, the human being, and especially the smallest ones, children.

And although the intestine can be colonized by this parasite at any age, the way contagion is what determines that children are their favorites.

As they explain from the , the contagion occurs because the worms, which live in the intestine, when they become adults they go to the area of ​​the anus and there they deposit their eggs.

These larvae cause itching in the child who, logically, scratches. So the eggs stay on the fingers and under the nails, and if the child puts his hand in his mouth and the cycle starts again.

The problem is that these eggs are also spread by toys, surfaces where they are able to survive for two or three weeks. But there is more, “these eggs” are very light and float in the air”, they explain from the . So contact with these contaminated surfaces or inhalation of the eggs causes the people around the child, whether adults or minors, to become infected.

Roundworm eggs are spread on surfaces where they are able to survive for 2-3 weeks.

What discomfort do worms cause?

The symptom that gives us the most clues that the child’s intestine is colonized by pinworm is itching. This can be of such intensity that it causes the child to be irritable and not sleep, since the itching increases at night.

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A visit to the pediatrician will clarify if the origin of the itching is caused by worms. Adult worms are often visible to the naked eye. They are like white threads between half a centimeter and one.

If it is not detected by simple observation of the child, there is a procedure to determine the presence of the parasite.

Is he Graham’s testa simple test in which the professional takes a sample from the anus with a transparent adhesive tape to see if there is larvae or not.

How is threadworm treated?

Fortunately it is not a serious disease and there are antiparasitic treatments easy to take and very effective.

The doctor M. Escorial Briso-Montiano explains that taking this drug “is done once and must be repeated after two weeks (the most used) because the eggs are not destroyed and the worms that have developed from the eggs in that period must be eliminated.”

The only drawback of worms is that the treatment should be taken by the whole family of the infected child, since it is very likely that they are also infected.

Hand hygiene is essential to avoid contagion of the parasite.

What to do and what not to do with worms?

There are some myths around this parasite and its presence in children. One of the most popular is that taking sugar favors its appearance. Well then, Dr. Escorial Briso-Montiano He denies it: “There is no causal relationship between eating sweets and the appearance of worms.”

So in order not to waste time and nerves with these unwanted inhabitants, the SEPEAP expert explains what to do and what not to do.

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To do

  • Start treatment as soon as possible.

  • Give the child a daily shower in the morning.

  • Daily change of underwear, sheets and towels.

  • Wash all clothing (sheets and towels included) at 60º “the first day you take the medication and avoid shaking it so as not to spread the parasite’s eggs through the air.”

  • Wash hands. He gives us an advantage in this, but we must insist in case of worms.

  • Cut your nails and keep them clean.

what not to do

  • Change the diet or modify the activities that the child does.

  • Avoid contact with other children. If we take hygiene to the letter this will not be necessary.

  • Finally, the doctor explains that it is not necessary to “sterilize toys, disinfect furniture, or excessively wash curtains or carpets.”