Do you suffer fluid retention? These are the 8 infusions that the nutritionist recommends

Swollen belly or bags under the eyes are some of the consequences of fluid retention. A problem that affects many people and does not understand gender. But the reality is that women are more prone to swelling that is a consequence of fluid accumulation in the body.

Although the causes are very diverse, it may be due to hormonal changes that occur at different stages of life: pregnancy, adolescence or during menstruation. It can also be caused by genetic inheritance or by Lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle, little fiber consumption…).

Heat can be another cause. And more with the arrival of high temperatures, which in the coming days could again exceed 35 degrees in some areas. Something unusual at this time of year, but that is repeated for the second time in less than a month.

There are also certain , such as those that combat , which are responsible for fluid retention that usually manifests itself in the feet and hands.

In addition to swelling of the extremities and abdomen, fluid retention also causes heaviness, tiredness, fatigue and a weight gain which usually has no apparent reason.

For this reason, there are many who seek solutions to fluid retention, since it is not only a .

Tips to avoid fluid retention

  1. hydrate properly. It is important to strictly follow this important health rule: you must drink two liters of water a day to maintain proper hydration. It is not a good idea to think that to end fluid retention you must reduce your water intake, because it is not. Moreover, hydration helps the body to expel toxins through urine.
  2. Reduce salt intake. Many foods have a natural concentration of sodium, so avoid adding salt to food. The explanation is very simple: the more salt consumed, the more water is retained in our body.
  3. moderate physical activity. It should be performed between 3 and 4 times a week and with an estimated duration of 45 to 60 minutes. Sport is key to combat constipation, which helps to eliminate fluids.
  4. Opt for diuretic foods. For example, oats, blueberries, asparagus or artichoke.
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Infusions are key to eliminating fluid retention

What are the most diuretic infusions?

On supermarket shelves there are products that promise to effortlessly help you lose weight. Among them, the infusions to lose weight.

However, we should not trust because There is no drink that, due to its ingredients, is slimming.

clarifies it to dietitian-nutritionist Mireya García Pérezof :

  • “If we understand slim down As a loss of fat mass, we will not achieve this effect by taking an infusion. What we do find in nature are plant extracts that, when infused, can help us with fluid retention or improve our digestion, which in both cases can help us feel less ‘bloated’ at the volume level”.

On the other hand, infusions can be a great ally for fluid retention, although he warns that “they can help us temporarily, while the origin is sought, since if they are stopped taking their effect will be lost.”

  1. Horse tail. “It is rich in potassium and silicon or silica that give it its diuretic capacity, increasing diuresis in those people with a tendency to retain fluids.”
  2. Dandelion. García Pérez explains that “it is popularly used as a diuretic due to its high potassium content, in addition to the fact that it would be suitable for disorders of bile secretion, improving diuresis, dyspepsia or indigestion as well.”
  3. Birch. On this occasion, this infusion “is used in phytotherapy due to the diuretic and purifying properties of its flavonoids and potassium salts, which help us increase the excretion of water and can also be useful to prevent the formation of grit and stones in the urinary tract. ”.
  4. Sarsaparilla. The dietitian specifies that this plant, which is also known as Moorish bramble, “is suitable for treating fluid retention problems and edema in the body.”
  5. red vine. The leaves of this shrub, which stands out for its venotonic and vasoprotective effect, “can help us in cases of varicose veins and circulatory disorders.”
  6. Pineapple. “It is rich in bromelain, an enzyme capable of breaking down proteins (protease action) so it can be useful for facilitating heavy digestion and improving the treatment of inflammatory processes such as edema, as well as improving cellulite.”
  7. Fennel. Among the carminative infusions, the expert selects this one. Fennel “helps us fight aerophagia and eliminate gases.”
  8. Green Tea. “Green tea consumption is associated with fat loss, but the benefits of green tea catechins on fat oxidation may only be somewhat significant at high doses (400-500mg).”
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