Pain in the teeth, molars and gums – Biodecoding

Pain in the teeth or teeth and gums can be caused by causes that you do not imagine or that you do not associate with the functioning of your mouth. Through research carried out, it is believed that dental problems may be related to emotions and desires. The study of the emotional origin of diseases and conditions of the body is known as .

Below we detail some examples of problems in the teeth, molars and gums that you may be suffering without knowing what causes them. Biodecoding can help you understand and heal them.

Problems in the teeth, molars and gums

  • The teeth on the upper right side are related to the desire to manifest what the person wants outward. If you have problems with one of these teeth, according to biodecoding, you may be experiencing difficulty finding your place in the world.
  • The problems in the teeth on the upper left side are related, according to biodecoding, with the person’s difficulty in fulfilling their desire to be.
  • The problems in the 8 teeth on the lower right side are related to the difficulty in realizing our lives, for example, getting the job we want.
  • The 8 teeth on the lower left side are related to the concretization of sensitivity and the problems in these teeth may be related to a lack of affective recognition.
  • Teeth grinding is a sign for biodecoding that the person represses tension during the day and releases it at night. If you happen to grind your teeth frequently you should pay attention as you need to find other ways to release the tension before your body does.
  • Toothache indicates that you want others to listen to you, respect your place, and that you need to be able to communicate what you want.
See also  6 keys to developing emotional intelligence in the family

Do you suffer any of these pains frequently? Have you ever thought about what can be the cause?

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In this audiobook, Louise L. Hay explains that the cause of illnesses, in most cases, are limiting beliefs and ideas, and she teaches us with very simple exercises and affirmations, how our way of thinking changes to improve quality. of our lives.

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Important: It should be clarified that La Bioguía does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, La Bioguía does not assume responsibility for these acts. The intention of the site is only to offer information of a general nature to help in the search for personal development and growth.

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