Nine keys to starting a business and achieving economic independence

Economic independence represents the freedom that people have to make decisions. How can we achieve it through entrepreneurship? An expert answers.

According to data from the Ombudsman’s Office, there was a record of 1,001 cases in 2021being the third type of violence, surpassed by psychological violence with a total of 2,451 records and physical violence with 1,597 complaints.

To remember, in Colombia, Law 1257 of 2008 contemplates property damage and economic violence, such as “any action or omission aimed at economic abuse, abusive control of finances, monetary rewards or punishments to women due to their social, economic or political status”.

Faced with the case of being a victim of this type of violence, the desire to achieve economic independence grows, but how to achieve it?

In our article We offer as one of the recommendations to get out or break with this type of violence: strengthening self-esteem and empowering skills.

We know that it is not an easy process that can be overcome overnight, but both actions must be worked hand in hand and for that we consult with Claudia SuarezSocial Investment Manager of Bavaria, about those keys that women should keep in mind when working in a venture that helps with economic independence:

  1. Before starting work to strengthen self-esteem and seek or highlight skills, it is important clean the house, that is, working on removing fears, ghosts and obstacles from life that allow us to achieve the goal. Process what is not working well. In this point, If necessary, psychological support can be sought.
  2. In this cleaning, positive and negative aspects of the person will come to the surface, but it is important highlight the positive in order to believe in yourself and jump over the barriers that prevent progress or solutions.
  3. You must make a balance between emotion and reasonthere are inevitable questions that will, in fact, help find that balance.
  4. Write dreams on paper vs. reality: What is the emotional dream? What is the material dream? Can it be fulfilled in the short and/or medium term? What or which one is unattainable? What dream can be materialized? What is needed? For compliance? What tools do you have? With this exercise of questions, which by the way, you can include and answer all the questions you have, you will be able to clear up the doubts that are in your head, and many times, they do not allow you to put the plan into action.
  5. Search the empowerment through different job training. Doing so will bring out the person’s security, both emotional and work-related, because when they realize or are aware of their capabilities they break with all fears.
  6. Find a good support group. This should include people who are considered to be part of the project. It ranges from parents, siblings, uncles, partners, children, to friends, colleagues or because the path is not linear, there are many ups and downs, both work-related and emotional, and having a support network is essential to not give up.
  7. In many cases Fear is a constant and, added to the “I can’t”, They are the main argument for not leaving a situation that is not positive for the person. Breaking it through reason and the example of others can be an unimaginable rational force.
  8. Phrases like: “I don’t know how to use technology,” “I don’t have the money for the investment,” “I don’t have the skills to start a business,” are very common, but they can be use as a tool, an impulse, to begin the search for economic independence. It is also key to understand that fear is mitigated through support groups and the development of activities that were not done before.
  9. Finally, Claudia highlights the concept of being like ‘the rake’, “there are many things, people or situations that you don’t know if they should accompany you and it is necessary to use the rake to remove and leave teverything bad that exists or is generated, in order to keep what will really help you grow”.
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If in any part of the process you need psychological helpcan call or write to usvia WhatsApp, at 3330333588. Our service is gratuitousthe 24 hours of 7 weekdays.