Men also flourish, they do so when they are treated with love, when you speak to them with respect and enhance their virtues.

Men grow when their women have faith in him, when you push them to achieve their dreams, far above fear, never lead them to lose stability.

When they get home, open your arms to let them know that this body, smaller than theirs, is their home. Kiss all those parts of him where you have seen loneliness. Kiss her eyes, her forehead, her hands, her feet to break with everything she couldn’t see before.

Intertwine your hands in his so he knows you won’t let go unless he needs to be free to evolve or value you.

And observe… Observe the essence of what it is, the light that radiates when it looks at you, even without seeing you, it honors everything that brought it to you, although sometimes it does not understand it.

Be happy, because it is with you. Enjoy how it blooms and even so, if one day it is not there, stay calm for what you did in it and proclaim that whoever it is with, honor them as you did and remind them that they had an origin, it was you with whom they flourished and was free.

For them, for you, for a conscious masculinity, an inclusive femininity and a love without selfishness.