When you feel like you can’t take it anymore, close your eyes and ask the Universe to take everything that hurts you with the wind. Tell him that you are tired of carrying heavy luggage that does not let you move forward.

Tell him that with water he cleanses sadness, takes away all pain, purifies your essence, that with fire burns and transmutes all the fears contained in you.

Tell him to allow you to fly high, to return you to your home with the earth, to your true being, to what you really are and not what they made you believe you were, breaking the negative labels and programming that do not let you grow and wake up. in awareness, wisdom, patience, healing, liberation, empowerment, forgiveness, unconditional love.

Tell him to always let you respect every being and allow you to learn that we are all different, without judgments or wanting to convince of your truth but understanding.

Inhale the good and exhale everything that does not let you move forward in your day to day, be free, stop feeding your fears, your resentments, your ego, your pride, that in the end it is only you who is hurt, the imbalance called disease.

All emotional, physical, mental, spiritual pain is optional, you decide when you stop feeding them, enough is enough! Ask for forgiveness for sometimes wanting conflict more than love, surrender everything that no longer serves you, learn the lesson so that it is not repeated to you and grow like a strong leafy tree, full of wisdom and unconditional love obtained from the 4 elements. , recovering old memories.


Live today. Your first mission in this life is to be happy.