Meaning of the color magenta in psychology – Know all the curiosities

Magenta or fuchsia is a color that for centuries has been associated with spirituality and kindness. According to different cultures, it is a color that nuances the effects of hatred and is related to pure love. It is a mix between the primary colors blue and red. His record first appeared during the 19th century and his name came into use shortly after the Battle of Magenta.

This color has a deep spiritual meaning, which evokes positivity, energy and vitality. In other cultures it also has a healing symbolism because it evokes the resurrection and the liberation of the spirit. In this Psychology-Online article you will discover the meaning of the color magenta in psychologywhat is its symbology in marketing and the representation that this tone has in the Bible.

What is the meaning of the color magenta

The name magenta was used for the first time to refer to the dye fuscin, discovered in 1858 by François-Emmanuel Verguin in the city of Magenta-Italy. It is a color that universally represents the harmony and emotional balance.

This tone has to do with the practicality of life. Furthermore, because it is a mix between red and blue, the tone contains the passion of red and the balance of blue. Undoubtedly, magenta has to do with harmony between all aspects of life: emotional, spiritual, physical and mental.

Another meaning of magenta in psychology is related to calm and the ability to rise above everyday problems. It is a color of transformation and changes. In fact, in some cognitive therapies it is used to elevate mood, calm anger or to help undo frustration.

We can say that the color magenta is also associated with the following feelings and positive values:

  • Harmony.
  • Elevation.
  • Dear.
  • Compassion.
  • Solidarity.
  • Imagination.
  • Creativity.
  • Kindness.
  • Innovation.
  • Tolerance.
  • Patience.
  • Art and negotiation.

On the other hand, its excessive use entails certain negative aspectsfor example:

  • Disconnection.
  • Neglect.
  • Fear of challenges.
  • Requirement.
  • Repression.

Meaning of the color magenta in marketing

This color is friendly and welcoming. Therefore, although its appearance was somewhat late, it is currently used in a good proportion in marketing. The meaning of the color magenta in marketing refers to originality. Many brands use it in their color palette because it represents the useful and unique that they have to offer, standing out above their competitors.

However, excessive use of magenta is not recommended, since the strength of its hue causes a certain need for isolation. Of course, in small concentrations it is ideal for the spectator to leave a state of passivity and sadness and even go to the action.

Meaning of the color magenta in spirituality

In advertising, magenta is a color that has caused a lot of controversy, since large brands have tried to register it as a corporate tone. But what does the color magenta mean in advertising? Basically, it is a color that reflects strength, enthusiasm and energy.

In addition, its pink tone is ideal for representing different feminine products, which is why it has a lot of strength in that advertising sector. However, due to the strength and vibration it has, it is already a color with great popularity in the male and young market. In fact, Instagram has a great representation of the color magenta in its range of representative shades.

Meaning of the color magenta in the Bible

In the biblical context the color magenta does not appear as such. However, mention is made of one of its related shades, such as hot pink. In this sense, it has great value for Christians. Mainly, the meaning of the color magenta in the Bible is the blood shed for Christ when he was crossed on the cross, since it was a mixture of blood and water that made it lighter than usual.

Furthermore, in Christian iconography, the cup from which Jesus of Nazareth gave his disciples drink at the Last Supper was, according to the Bible, a dark pink or fuchsia color, just like the flower. Likewise, it represents the color of the wounds of Jesus Christ. For all this, the color magenta means in the Bible union, hope, spirituality, sacrifice, faith and love of neighbor.

On the other hand, if we look at the meaning of the color magenta in psychology, people who identify with this tone are individuals with a great attachment to kindness and compassion. In other religions such as Hinduism, the color magenta or fuchsia represents the eighth chakra that is related to the soul. Therefore, it has to do with the healing and divinity. It also represents deep service to others, as well as the need for love and companionship.

It should be said that feng shui uses magenta to call for energy and prosperity. Likewise, in this practice it is a symbol of self-esteem, respect and mental balance. In other cultures such as Buddhist, the color magenta symbolizes the elevation of vibrations and mystery. In any case, this color is almost always associated with the peace, calm and tranquility.

Meaning of the color magenta in graphic design

In graphic design, the color magenta is used from the CMYK model, which is a pattern in which the visible pigments of the electromagnetic spectrum derived from white light predominate. That is, it is a model based on colors that come from nature.

So what does the color magenta mean in graphic design? As it is a mix between blue and red, magenta means heat versus cold or spirituality as opposed to the mundane.

Another representation in graphic design is that evokes femininity as an unavoidable complement to beauty. This rich contrast helps designers mark different lines that have 95% success and acceptance by users of a brand or product.

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  • Heredia, M. (2019). Perception and Meaning of color in different social groups.
  • Lüscher, M. (1993). Color test. Barcelona: Paidós.
  • Parramon, J (2022). The big book of color. Parramon Publishing House. Barcelona, ​​Spain.
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