MAKO robotic arm for knee replacement operations

iMove and Clínica Mi Tres Torres are committed to incorporating Stryker’s MAKO technology, a robotic arm for knee prosthesis operations that is associated with less pain, faster recovery and reduced postoperative time.

iMove and Mi Tres Torres Cliniccenters specialized in the recovery of joint movement and the locomotor system, are pioneers in Catalonia in incorporating the MAKO robotic arm to do precision orthopedic surgeriessuch as knee replacements. The iMove trauma team has already begun performing assisted knee replacement surgeries through this Stryker’s robotic armoffering patients a greater precision in interventions and, above all, an improvement in the times and in the quality of subsequent recovery.

The MAKO robotic arm offers patients greater precision in interventions and an improvement in the times and quality of subsequent recovery

As he explains Dr. Joan Leal, responsible for the prosthetic knee area at iMove,”Until now, this type of operation was performed by doctors with limited precision. With Mako, we provide a solution to this problem, since we carry out a preoperative planning obtaining a three-dimensional preview image through the performance of a CT test. The synchronization of the CT scan with the intraoperative surgeon’s assessment allows us, together with the Mako robotic arm, to obtain the desired precision, being the surgeon always the decision maker”. This is one of the elements that increase the predictability of the operationminimizing its risks, the aggression of the intervention and facilitating the subsequent recovery and postoperative.

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He adjusts at the millimeter level, and through the computer, the intervention and the development of the operation. In this way, the robot refines each of the actions according to the CT received during the preoperative period of each patient. For now, the clinic start with knee replacement interventionsalthough from iMove-Mi Tres Torres they are already evaluating the Expansion of services for other joints.

Less pain, faster recovery and reduced postoperative time

became the first center in Catalonia, and the second in Spain, to use the to solve the knee osteoarthritis. He Stryker robotic arm is especially indicated for the recovery from degenerative joint disease. Thus, iMove and Clínica Mi Tres Torres delve into the medical innovation applied to the knee jointbeing the osteoarthritis one of the most prevalent ailments affecting society.

In Spain it is estimated that seven million people suffer from osteoarthritis, being 75% of them women and constituting the leading cause of disability company permanent”, points out Dr. Leal. According to the latest study on the prevalence of rheumatic diseases from the Spanish Society of Rheumatology, the 13% of the adult population in Spain presents symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee. Furthermore, only in Spain, the points out the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (SEGG).

In this line, a study carried out by the University College London Hospital concludes that the total knee replacement assisted by the Mako robotic arm is associated with Less pain, faster recovery and reduced postoperative time in hospitals compared to conventional total knee replacement. Specifically, the patients demonstrated less need for analgesics, less postoperative bleeding, less time to get the leg raised, less time to receive a medical discharge (up to 26% less) and improved maximum knee flexion.

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Also, according to a study prepared by MAKO SmartRoboticsthe robotic arm intervention provides the possibility of prepare the preoperative in 3D, which allows interventions to be adjusted to the specific anatomy of each patient. AccuStop technology also allows the surgeon to perform the operation more safelywith intraoperative vision and tactile feedback regarding the patient’s joint.

As a consequence, its use allows solve some of the challenges that arise in knee arthroplasties (total or partial), such as the restriction of the visual field of the joint when operating, the possibility of committing technical errors or a imprecise implantation of knee replacements. An interesting fact that this study shows is that it can be reduced to a 40% spending on morphine during the postoperative period

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