Is it true that “spring alters blood”? Or, on the contrary, are we more tired?

Although there is a popular saying that “spring alters blood”, the truth is that the arrival of this season does not encourage many, quite the contrary. Weakness, lack of concentration and lack of vitality is present in our daily activity at this time for a few days.

Several days have passed since the change of seasons and from his hand, the famous spring asthenia.

But is spring asthenia real or is it just a myth? Well, despite the fact that specialists do not consider it a disease… it exists, it exists.

Is spring asthenia a disease?

This is how he explains it Dr. Santiago Taboada Rivas member of the , “spring asthenia is not considered a pathology, although it can be understood as a process of adaptation to changes in environmental factors”.

Among these environmental factors we find the time change that will take place this weekend, the progressive increase in temperatures, changes in atmospheric pressure and humidity… To this is added, in addition, that there are more hours of daylight and that the flowering of plants and trees causes many allergies.

Several people enjoy the good weather in the Casa de Campo, on March 19, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). With one day to go before spring begins, on Monday March 20, the people of Madrid have come out to enjoy the good weather on terraces and parks. Ricardo Rubio – Europa Press

All these environmental changes cause us fatigue, daytime sleepiness, concentration difficulties, lack of appetite or lightheadedness.

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But, as Dr. Taboada explains, there is no need to worry: our body will adapt to the spring news in a matter of a couple of weeks. So if we feel more tired than usual for this reason, we have to know that it will not last forever.

Sometimes it has been pointed out that men are more sensitive to the variations typical of the change of season. Some studies carried out in this regard indicate that, indeed, there is a higher incidence of spring asthenia among men, 56% compared to 44% women. Although the general medicine specialist points out that the issue is not clear.

What is certain is that children and the elderly are the ones who suffer the most from environmental changes.

Remedies against spring asthenia

Once clarified that these symptoms are real and we do not have to worry about them. What can we do to cope with spring asthenia?

Spring is moderate for allergy sufferers except in Extremadura and Toledo

Probably the professionals who most accuse the appearance of this phenomenon are the pharmacists, who observe how their pharmacies fill up with people requesting vitamins to face the typical fatigue of these dates.

For this reason, they provide some advice:

  • The best thing is to respect the hours of sleep so that our body adapts well to the time change. Although the ideal is always to anticipate before it occurs.

  • Do not put physical exercise aside, despite the fact that fatigue floods us.

  • A healthy diet is still essential. Providing our body with proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral salts, vitamins and water will mean that we do not have to resort to vitamin supplements.

Knowing what happens to us and how to deal with it is the first step to getting through these days after the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

Of course, if the symptoms persist beyond three or four weeks, it is best to see our doctor to rule out any pathology.

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