Edentulism: Why do teeth fall out when we get old, and how can it be avoided?

Edentulism or tooth loss, partial or total, is an oral problem that appears with aging. And the loss of dental pieces causes problems such as:

  • Alteration of the jaw joint

  • speech difficulties

  • Complications to bite

  • Damage to the oral cavity

  • Self esteem problems.

In addition, when this pathology is partial, it can cause a displacement of the teeth, which try to occupy the gap that is formed.

As he explains Dr. David CurtoMedical Director, Quality and Innovation of:

  • “It is one of the most complex and common oral problems. It is usually associated with the elderly, although it can also affect individuals of any age. And although this disorder has decreased in recent decades, the general aging of the population contributes that a proportion of individuals with this problem still persists”.

According to , 7 out of 10 Spanish adults between the ages of 24 and 60 currently have some oral problem and the loss or breakage of teeth represents 9.4% of the main reasons why Spaniards go to the dentist.

The loss or breakage of teeth represents 9.4% of the main reasons why Spaniards go to the dentist.

What causes tooth loss?

There are many causes that lead to the loss or fall of teeth. Among the most frequent are:

  • cavitiescaused by the lack of oral hygiene.
  • The periodontal diseasewhich can evolve towards one where the supporting tissues begin to weaken with the subsequent loss of the tooth.

  • The fractures and trauma. A blow to the mouth can cause the fall or fracture of one or more teeth.

Depending on the number and position of the missing teeth, edentulism can have more or less severe consequences. And it is that it not only prevents you from speaking and eating normally, but it can also damage the bone structure of the jaw.

In addition, it can cause aesthetic problems and a lack of self-esteem, complications in correctly pronouncing some consonants, chewing problems, changes in facial structures or bite problems, among others.

Losing teeth causes chewing problems, changes in facial structures, or bite problems.

How to prevent tooth loss

In this sense, the experts at Sanitas Dental have prepared a list with a series of tips to prevent this oral problem:

  • The first: hygiene. It is essential to brush your teeth three times a day. And don’t forget to floss at least once a day either.

  • Carry out annual dental visits to assess possible cavities and prevent possible bone loss. An annual dental cleaning is also recommended.

  • If any problem appears in the teeth or mouth, such as cavities or periodontitis, it is necessary to go to a dentist to treat them quickly. This will prevent loss of parts.

Finally, if edentulism has already appeared, there are two ways to prevent further deterioration:

  1. Through prostheses, both removable (traditional dentures) and fixed.

  2. With implants, which guarantee the recovery of the functionality of the mouth.

“Most dental loss is the result of tooth decay or periodontal disease, both diseases caused by bacteria and closely related to poor oral hygiene or unhealthy habits.

It may also be the case that there are dental absences of genetic origin, or due to a blow, but it is not usually the most common.

For this reason, to combat edentulism, the best option is to maintain optimal oral hygiene and visit the dentist regularly,” explains the doctor Manuela Escorialdentist from the Department of Innovation and Clinical Quality of Sanitas Dental.

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