Is it healthy to experience grief?

Losing a loved one is never easy, even though we know that death is a natural part of the cycle of life and that nothing lasts forever, facing the absence of a person, animal or situation can be one of the most difficult moments. difficult things that a person must face.

This is partly because it is a readjustment process in which we must understand the world and ourselves in the absence of that which we lost; For this reason, it is normal and expected that we experience a period of deep mourning and pain, which is what we know as grief.

Each person experiences grief differently and it generally includes emotional responses such as sadness or anger. However, grief is not limited to this; The pain of losing something or someone we love can affect our physical health, our actions, and our relationships with other people.

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For example, grief over a death can trigger physical reactions such as changes in weight and appetite, difficulty sleeping, aches and pains, and an impaired immune system leading to illness and other health problems. In addition, it can cause us to distance ourselves from the people around us, to abandon some activities and to avoid places and situations because it reminds us of the person, being or object that we lost.

The discomfort and other symptoms usually decrease over time, but we cannot ignore them, we must allow ourselves to live our period of grief, seek support and take care of our lifestyle habits. Research shows that most people can recover from loss on their own, over time, with social support and healthy habits..

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Remember that there is no “normal” period of time for someone to grieve, the person can spend months or years assimilating the loss and, despite what we have been taught, there are no phases or a linear process, it is a path. of restoration that includes moments of pain and building a new life without the person or situation we lost.

So, Grief is not a standard process, it does not have a clear and defined beginning and end and it does not last the same for all people, but it is an important process to live whenever we experience a loss. In a certain way, the grieving process is what allows us to “remove” the pain and all the other emotions that come after the departure of someone or something to organize ourselves again and re-frame our life without that person, the object. or experience; In this way we manage to let go of the past and move towards the future.

Finally, it is always important to remember that grieving does not mean forgetting who is gone or what you lost; Nor does it mean abandoning life or locking yourself away to cry. Healthy grief includes healthy emotional expression and taking time to experience the pain, but also to slowly build a sense of peace when saying goodbye.

In some cases, we may need some extra support to live our grief, in this case it is valid to ask for the company and guidance of a professional. For this reason, if you or someone you know is going through a difficult time, we invite you to contact our psychologists via call or WhatsApp at 3330333588.

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