This is the influence of pets on people’s mental health

There are numerous studies that point out the benefits that pets have on people’s mental health. These have shown how owning a dog, a cat or a rabbit, among others, provides benefits on long-term mental problems.

Pets are part of many people’s lives and in the pandemic they have become incomparable company, because helped reduce stress and they became a relief from the daily worries generated by the adverse conditions of the environment.

According to the doctor at El Bosque University, Daniel Flórez, a human-animal investigation showed that People “have a tendency to perceive themselves more positively when they are in the company of a pet than when they are alone; they also facilitate social interaction.”

The expert explains that pets produce feelings of responsibility, compassion and empathy. It also highlights that animals like dogs make people physically stimulate since they need to be taken to the park or the street every day.

The ‘Affinity Foundation’, whose objective is to investigate, act and promote the benefits of companion animals in society, states that according to scientific evidence, The positive influence of the bonds generated with animals improve quality of life, social well-being and mental well-being.

On the other hand, children are happier, their interaction with the environment improves and it helps them improve their bond of responsibility with others. That is, during their childhood development they can be an added value.

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Benefits of having pets for mental health

They reinforce self-esteem

People who have pets are more likely to have higher self-esteem, according to research published in the journal Environmental Research and Public Health. Besides It was proven that children who grow up with pets are more likely to strengthen their self-esteem, be less lonely, and better develop their social skills.

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Reduce stress and anxiety

According to the , almost tThree quarters of pet owners claim to have better mental health thanks to having them. Besides, 60% of patients suffering from mental illnessstress and anxiety They see pets as the most important element that helps them manage mental illnesses and the stress of everyday life.

Improves health

Having an animal at home helps people be more active and even get more exercise.

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “regular walking and playing with pets can lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels.”

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