I put four writing exercises into practice to heal from a breakup

If you can’t find another solution to what you are going through, choose to write by hand everything you feel, it is a therapy that heals.

During the pandemic, not all relationships have been strengthened, some have taken different directions and have even broken. We are not just talking about couple relationships, there are also family and friendship relationships. No matter what the reason was for everything to end, what you must now prioritize in your life is to heal in the best way.

“In the face of a breakup, writing emerges as a therapeutic tool. Not in the sense of directly solving problems perhaps, but, of course, it is usually a good way to bring to light what we have inside, vent, clarify our feelings and even help us make a decision,” says Diana P. Morales. , writing teacher at the head of El Portal del Writer of

Although writing does not replace a medical or psychological treatment, if you require it you can call us at 333 033 3126 or write to us on Whatsapp or our chat, found in the box that says ‘Are you not feeling well?’ that you find on the side; It is an exercise that helps you let go, release, unlock everything that is stored and discover yourself.

Learn four writing exercises recommended by Morales and Nohora Morales Parga to better deal with the situation you are going through.

Write without stopping

For 30 minutes write everything that comes to mind. Don’t cross out, erase, or correct, just write and let your ideas flow. You can cut it or burn it as a symbol for the term ‘let go’.

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Write a letter

Tell everything you feel to the person you are with in this conflict, so you can move forward. Bring your emotions to light to understand and forgive. When finished, save it, tear it or burn it.

You can start by expressing your anger, then tell what causes what has hurt you. Also talk about your fears, if there is regret, let them know and close by communicating from love.

Write to thank

Despite going through the pain of a breakup, there are many things in your life to be grateful for, so write 3 each night until you complete 30. Focus on the positive, feel more abundant and revitalize yourself.

Write for your future

This is an NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) exercise, since the words we use make up our reality. Write in the present tense, as if you had already achieved it, and in great detail how you imagine your life in each of its areas, from the spiritual to the material. Repeat it as many times as necessary.