Hyperhidrosis (Excessive sweating) – Integral Health Coaching.


Definition: Excess sweating. Sweating excessively on a regular or occasional basis.

Conflict of incest and rape. Dirt conflict.

Biological sense: It has the sense of cleaning and purifying (clean water) in relation to the part of the body where it appears. Also to lower body temperature (by evaporating it absorbs body temperature), or to avoid being imprisoned (tent conflict, with sweat I slip).

Finally, we could talk about losing references (water always returns us to our references).

CONFLICT: Conflict of incest, rape. Made (there is something to wash in me) or received (I must escape from).

In general we could say that it is a conflict of not wanting or not being able to hold on or to be caught. “I don’t want the other to grab me”

For example:


Definition: Excessive sweating on the palms of the hands.

Conflicts of the hand, in relation to the father and work.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: Various senses:

To clean and purify (clean water) something in relation to work or the father. Lower body temperature.

Sweat is also a biological response that allows us to slip if we want to be prisoners.

Person who has lost all references (usually to the father).

CONFLICT: Conflict related to the father or work in the following specificities:

Need to clean something up about it. Sweat cleanses impurities.

Need to escape. Conflict of having had prisoners in the family (see family tree). I have the impression of being manipulated and I want to run away from here. “I want to escape, I need to escape from a trap.” “I want to get away, escape, from work.”

See also  Hypochondria – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Also in the sense of: “I don’t want dad to cling to me.”

Conflict of too much “heat”, fire, tension in my relationship with the father or work. I must refresh the relationship, lower the temperature.

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Neurobiology is a subdiscipline with a focus on biology and neuroscience.
We apply that knowledge through Coaching practices. It is a methodology in which we integrate in a single training, different disciplines such as: ontological coaching, biodecoding and neurolinguistic programming, with the aim of helping you discover the root of your inner conflicts and heal them.