How to understand a person with depression?

One of our psychologists explains what should be taken into account when supporting and understanding someone with depression.

When we know that someone close to us has depression, helping them through those difficult days can become a purpose and not achieving it generates frustration. This can be influenced by several factors, some are directly related to the person, their condition and their handling of the disorder and moments of crisis, but there are others that depend on their environment.

The support network for someone who has depression is a key assetsince through it, the same family members are able to identify that something is not right with the personthat something is happening, that your mood is being affected and through the support network you can open the door to seek out the professional, listen and accompany.

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If you have a friend or family member with depression, or you think it is a condition they may have and you don’t know what to say or how to let them know that you support them, here are different examples to address it:

  • “I’m here to listen to you”
  • “I’ve noticed that in recent days you’ve been in low spirits, something’s worrying you, something’s not right.”
  • “I know you can’t do it alone”
  • “Would you like to seek professional support, are you willing to talk to a doctor, are you willing to talk to a psychologist, can I help you find this support?”
  • “I can give you information about lines that help people with depression”
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An assertive communication and message is of great help, since the person who has depression is often blinded and sees no other way out, but quite the opposite, he wants to continue in what he feels and thinks. That is why it is important for another person to approach with the intention of listening without judging.

Sometimes it’s not easy to make a comment or talk to someone without being prejudiced or making comments like: “Why do you feel sad if somehow everything is fine around you? You have a job, your health, your family is fine, right? I understand?”.

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What is important?

Have a little empathy, putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to think about what your experience would be if you were in that situation and how you would react. Through empathy you can understand the otheridentify that it is not a passing issue, but that it is a disorder and that that person needs professional support because they cannot get out of that situation alone.

How should a person with depression be cared for?

From the constant attention and assertive communicationremind you of the importance of judiciously attending therapy and adherence to the treatment, activities and tools that the specialist shares.

Emphasize that identifying symptoms is key, but that in some way they can vary, add or subtract; so you must externalize with the therapist and with whom you feel confident all the situations that arise, even if they seem insignificant. Also ask how you feel and what physical and emotional changes you have seen during the process.

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What does a treatment prevent in depression?

The most important, prevent a completed suicide which is like the most serious thing in this case, and other aspects that come in addition such as family or work problems or inconveniences, stress, sleep care, nutrition, treatment will also prevent the door from opening and another disorder being activated.

Clearly it is very good to feel sad, it is important to identify that The transition to sadness must exist in our lives because it is not linear, so we are going to have moments and episodes in which we will feel deep sadness.. In these cases, it is important to be self-compassionate with ourselves, to allow ourselves to feel that pain, but not let it stay for so long.

Treatment for depression is not necessarily given according to the levelhowever, Due to the symptoms that the person presents, it is determined if referral to another professional is necessary.. That is, if the psychologist through his therapy manages to identify that the patient continues with the symptoms and, on the contrary, they increase, there is no regulation, it is necessary to refer to a psychiatrist who, through the use of drugs, will help regulate the symptoms. But it is not always the same in all cases.

It is important not to self-medicate. We know that it is easy to know what medications people who have depression should consume, according to what the psychiatrist considers, but the importance of not doing so is because all bodies, organisms and treatments are totally different, so it may be that Through therapy, the tools that the psychotherapist generates, depression can be combated. Self-medication can cause opposite effects such as increased symptoms and worsened level or episodes of depression.

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Something important to mention is that currently, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people in the world suffer from depression. In colombia, 1 in 4 citizens reported feeling depressedalone or stressed in the face of the difficulties generated by covid-19 and Colombians 55 years and older had more feelings of depression as a consequence of the pandemic, according to the Large Integrated Household Survey, of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), June 2021.