How to MOTIVATE YOURSELF TO STUDY – the 15 keys!

“I am unmotivated to study” either“I can’t get myself to study” are very common phrases among students who face periods in which they must study, either at the university, to prepare for exams or, for example, to start studying a language like English. The reasons that raise lack of motivation to study They can be very diverse, such as considering that what you study will not be necessary for you, the well-known “straw” syllabus, that the lesson is boring to you, that you believe that even if you study you will not be able to get the grade you expect, among others.

Faced with this we ask ourselves: What to do when you don’t want to study? Where do you get the motivation to study? The answer lies in find a motivation to help us face the study, since we must keep in mind that as in any other activity or action, motivation is one of the most important elements to be able to do what you must do successfully and satisfactorily.

How to find motivation to study? We can find motivation both at an intrinsic levelwhich occurs when the action you must do already gives you satisfaction for doing it or at an extrinsic level, where obtaining rewards comes into play. However, although motivation can be obtained in two different ways, both can offer us the same motivation, the important thing is to find the driving force of this motivation. In the following article you will find.

How to motivate yourself to study? How to motivate yourself to study competitive exams? How to motivate yourself to study at university? How to motivate yourself to study English? Below, we are going to offer you a set of steps, tips and tricks to help you increase your motivation and that the fact of studying becomes something much more pleasant and bearable, as well as habits that help you improve your grades.

1. Set small goals

It is normal that when faced with a subject that has a lot of syllabus we become overwhelmed and our motivation to study decreases. In addition to this, visualizing the subject as a whole is unrewarding, as it will give us the feeling that we are not progressing and therefore, we do not feel fulfilled. How do you want to study? Is very useful set small objectives about the studysuch as focusing only on one of the exam topics, which will help us feel more fulfilled and thus increase motivation.

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This consideration is very important when preparing for exams that involve a lot of syllabus, such as preparing for competitive exams. Studying it is a long-distance career and it is difficult to stay motivated for so long, which is why it is important to feel fulfilled often.

2. Rest

When university exams approach, all compressed into the same two weeks, the stress increases, motivation decreases and . Faced with this, we tended to study for hours and hours, during the morning, afternoon and night.

Studying for long periods of time will not make you more efficient in studying. Studying for many hours in a row is very tiring and directly limits our motivation. How to motivate yourself to study? Taking short breaks from studying will help you disconnect your mind and be fresh and motivated when you get back to studying. Give importance to breaks.

3. Focus on the goal

How to motivate yourself to study? It is difficult to find an extrinsic motivation for the study itself. Learning a topic from the syllabus can sometimes be unsatisfactory. For this reason, it is advisable ffocus attention on the achievement we want to achieve And with this, each small step we take will bring us closer to that goal, such as finishing the graduate degree or entering the competitive examinations.

4. Reward yourself

How to overcome laziness to study? To make studying even more rewarding, give yourself a reward after intense hours of study. If while you study you keep in mind that when you finish you will be able to achieve what you want so much, the motivation to study will increase. However, remember to be honest with yourself, if you consider that you have given up and made an effort, reward yourself with a greater reward than those days when your effort was not the same.

5. Surround yourself well

There are many people who when exams arrive feel isolated, cloistered at home and this leads to a significant drop in performance and motivation. If studying at home makes you feel this way, propose to a group of friends to study together or frequent libraries to feel accompanied throughout this period.

6. Do the hardest thing first

When we start studying we are fresh, possibly more motivated and determined to start the task. However, as the hours go by our motivation and concentration decreases and it becomes more difficult to face the most complex agenda. Thus, It is advisable to start with what is most difficult for you..

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7. Pay attention to the consequences

In the same way that thinking about the long-term reward that studying will bring will help us increase motivation to study, taking into account what will happen if we don’t start studying It is also a starter motor.

8. Think about the application of what you study

How to motivate yourself to study competitive exams? It is normal that memorizing large amounts of syllabus is boring and it is difficult for us to motivate it. It is common to focus on memorizing as much as we can just to be able to pass the exam. However, if we give meaning to what we study and think What can we apply it to?the motivation that we will give it will be very different.

How can I encourage myself to study? For example, we tend to study languages ​​like English out of obligation or because we are told that they are necessary and this is perhaps not a sufficient extrinsic motivation. On the other hand, if we study thinking that learning will open up more job opportunities and allow us to travel and communicate better, the motivation to study increases.

9. Create a study routine

How to study? We must be aware that establishing a habit requires a certain period of time and the first days may be difficult for us, but once acquired the habitit will be much easier for you to start studying and your motivation will remain more stable.

10. Study when you should study

A bit in relation to the previous advice, when establishing a routine it is essential that there are times for everything, especially in studies that require preparation for a long time. Therefore, establish a routine with a marked study schedule, but at the same time set also leisure spaces and free time, which must be sacred, in the same way that study time must be.

11. Avoid distractions

Distractions such as phone notifications, going to the kitchen to snack, emails,… lead to our motivation decreasing, since you will observe how the hours go by and you have not achieved what you had set out to do. How to motivate yourself to study? Leave all these distractions for moments of rest and with this you will also make them more rewarding.

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12. Take your time

Starting to study for exams the days before them leads to a high level of stress and, along with it, a decline in our motivation to study. Faced with this, it is better to start studying early and dedicate 3 or 4 hours a day to studying, than having to study 10 hours a day the last days before the exam.

13. Take into account your mood

Mood is a factor that directly determines motivation. It is possible that one day we wake up very motivated to study, we prepare everything we need to start and suddenly, we receive bad news. Directly, our state of mind will cause us to become demotivated and make it impossible for us to perform, don’t force yourself. It is important to listen to you and knowing what are the appropriate moments for studying, it is true that it is our obligation, but remember that if you find yourself in a performance it will be very difficult and in this situation, it is better to be flexible and find another time to dedicate to studying.

14. Remember that it will only be a while

It is normal that faced with so much agenda we drown in a glass of water. During the exam period everything focuses on studying, conversations with your friends are summarized in the exams, all your time is dedicated to studying,… This reality, in addition to being stressful, is absorbing. Therefore, remember that this will be a temporary situation, to get what you want. If you conceive it as a temporary effort, it will be easier for you to motivate yourself to study.

15. Give yourself positive comments

Another important aspect to promote motivation to study is avoid negative cognitions like: “I’m not going to get it; I will never finish studying this syllabus; No matter how much I study, I will not get the grade I expect; What I’m studying is not going to be of any use to me,…” We know that thoughts play a main role in motivation and therefore, it is essential that you offer yourself positive thoughts such as: “I know that I am going to pass this exam; If others have achieved it, why not me? I have already faced this, I am confident in my abilities,…” these thoughts will considerably help you maintain your motivation to study.