How to deal with ghosting?

Has it ever happened to you that you were meeting someone and things were going very well, but they suddenly cut off all communication with you and disappeared without warning? Without a doubt, you were a victim of ghosting. This expression refers to a type of abusive relationship in which a person decides to end the established bond and instead of talking about it, as appropriate, decides to disappear silently.

This type of behavior has become more frequent and usually causes initial concern in those who suffer from it, as they think that they are no longer communicating because something happened that prevents them from doing so; Subsequently, comes the feeling of guilt, because by not having a justification for the reasons that caused the separation, the victim assumes that some of her actions triggered her partner to decide to leave her.

Although at first glance it seems subtle, This is very cruel abusive behavior. which can have serious repercussions on the self-esteem and self-confidence of those who suffer from it. Furthermore, not having closure in the relationship is very painful.

7 keys to overcome ghosting

Although it is very clear that whoever suffers ghosting is not guilty of anything, When faced with rejection, it is normal to feel bad about yourself. Find below some recommendations that will help you deal with this situation.

Accept what happened

When you are a victim of ghosting, you may refuse to believe that the person deliberately hurt you and may think that the person is coming back and that they left for very powerful reasons that are beyond their control. It is important that you can accept what happened, despite the pain.

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allow yourself to feel

That you feel pain in this type of situation is completely normal, take the time you need to feel the pain that this grief demands.

Avoid questioning yourself

Often those who are victims of ghosting feel guilty about what they are experiencing. Don’t forget that this situation speaks more about the other person and their lack of emotional responsibility than about you. Treat yourself with love.

Don’t justify it anymore

When we are in the stage of falling in love, we are likely to seek to justify the other person’s actions, no matter how much pain their actions cause us. Nothing justifies this type of behavior.

Avoid contact with that person

You may want to contact that person to find an answer, but their constant rejection will cause you more pain and feelings of humiliation. Avoid insisting on maintaining contact.

Focus on self-care

Ghosting can greatly affect the self-esteem of those who suffer from it, focusing on your well-being, self-care and deciding to integrate healthy habits into your life can help you strengthen your self-love and improve your self-concept.

Lean on your trusted people and seek help

Facing a painful situation like this alone can be very difficult. Talk to people you trust and if you feel like you can’t handle the situation, seek help from a mental health professional.

If you have been a victim of ghosting, don’t forget that the person who really has a serious problem is the person who decided to put you in this situation. Accept what happened, allow yourself to feel the pain and let it go. This situation doesn’t have to define your life.

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Don’t forget it’s not your fault

When we feel deceived or betrayed by someone we trust a lot, we often blame ourselves for the way we acted, what we said, and even what we didn’t do. Although it is natural to have this kind of feeling, It is important that you are aware that it is not your fault.

Likewise, when someone close dares to steal the innocence of our children, they feel guilty about what happened and decide to remain silent, an attitude that protects sexual predators.

In it We are convinced that if we unite we can protect our children. If you are too, and want to be part of this fight, your contribution means a lot to our movement and to hundreds of children at risk of abuse.

You can make a donation through . Any amount can make a big difference and helps us continue producing educational tools that allow us to advance our purpose of stopping the silent pandemic of sexual abuse.

Remember that you can also add your voice to ours this April 29 in Yonkers (New York). Participate in the so that together we say NO MORE to sexual abuse. We will wait for you!