How to attract a person with the law of attraction

It is increasingly proven that the mind is the most powerful weapon that a person has and that it can be used as a powerful magnet to attract many positive things to life. What if we told you that you can also attract the person you want with the power of your mind? According to the postulates of the law of attraction, each of your thoughts has the power to manifest in your life. Therefore, if you visualize prosperity and love, that is what you will get accordingly.

So that you learn to use this law to your advantage, in this Psychology-Online article, we will explain how to attract a person with the law of attraction so that you can make your dreams of getting closer to the love of your life come true.

What is the attraction law

The law of attraction is a philosophy that states that thoughts have the power to channel what is visualized in them, whether positive or negative. This pre-scientific belief defends that we are made up of energy that we are capable of transmitting to the universe to capture or return energies similar to the one we give off. In this article, we tell you.

According to this philosophy, two people who have the same energetic vibration are able to connect because they have similar waves. Of course, for this to happen, the message sent to the universe must be clear, strong and concise, and strong enough for the stimulus towards love to be effective.

It is important to clarify that These are not studies with scientific evidencebut of pseudoscientific parameters, but which are becoming more and more valid.

How to use the law of attraction to attract a person

Although at first it seems a little more complicated than it really is, using the law of attraction to attract a person can be very simple once you learn how. Basically, it is about applying some daily exercises to modify your habits. So, if you want someone to think about you and look for you with the law of attraction, you can do the following:

  1. Love yourself: If you want to know how to attract a person with the law of attraction, the first step is to accept yourself as you are so that the universe understands the message. If you are a secure person, the cosmos will put the ideal person you need at your side or on your path. Now, if you doubt yourself, have insecurities or don’t know how to love yourself, chances are you won’t even realize that the ideal partner is in your life, but you haven’t been able to identify them. In short, you must trust your own attitudes.
  2. Make a list of your qualities: Think about the positive things in your life, such as your health, your family, your friends, your job and all the little details you receive every day. Use that to your advantage to reach the goal faster and see things from another, more motivating perspective. Write everything in a journal to evaluate your progress and achievements daily. Remember that it is about having patience and perseverance to.
  3. Be clear about what you want: This is one of the most important steps in using the law of attraction to attract a person, since the universe must clearly understand what you need. Write down the qualities of the person you are looking for, such as romantic, intellectual, affectionate, kind, etc. Write down these attributes in your journal and do not leave room for ambiguity.
  4. Go out to find love: When you already know what you want and learn to accept yourself to activate cosmic energy, it is time to go for it. Visit places where you can find like-minded people, whether at sporting events, the gym, social gatherings, etc. If everything works in your favor, you will find the perfect person for you. Don’t try to force things and let the universe put the person you need on your path.

Does the law of attraction work to attract someone specific?

This is one of the most common questions and the truth is that the law of attraction to attract a person does not work for someone specific. Its objective is not to attract a special person, but rather to have things come into your life according to what you want.

What you can do is ask the cosmos to bring into your life that person that you visualize so much and that you want to fill every space in your heart. Remember that, in both love and abundance, law of attraction is closely related to mental statesTherefore, always maintain a positive attitude. In this article we show you.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Marpez, A. (2021). The secret of the law of attraction. Buenos Aires Read.
  • Scott, E (2021). Using the Law of Attraction to Create a Stress-Free Life. Very Well Mind. Available at:
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