How to act before a stroke? This is how we must react to the disease that has affected Kiko Rivera

It is a cerebrovascular accident (ACV) that, as a general rule, it does not notify of its arrival. In a more colloquial way, it can be explained as a heart attack, which instead of taking place in the heart, takes place in the brain.

Why does a stroke occur?

Among the reasons why a person can suffer a stroke there are two, mainly. On the one hand, it may be due to the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain, which receives the name of hemorrhagic. On the other hand, it may be caused by the obstruction of those same vessels. In this case it would be a thrombus, originating in the heart and which is called ischemic.

How to detect it?

It is not a disease that warns, but it does occur certain symptoms preceding the accident. With the necessary information and knowledge, they can be recognized in order to act accordingly and reduce their consequences.

We are talking about symptoms that are externalized and manifested through a sudden loss of strength or sensitivity, especially in the middle of the body. Sometimes, it does not have to be noticed in the whole body, and is only perceived as weakness on one side of the face, or in one of the extremities. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by sudden slurred speech, loss of all or part of your vision of one of the two eyes, or a intense headache.

To do?

Given the possibility of suffering a stroke, the most important thing is to act quickly. Time is vital, since the longer these symptoms are suffered, the worse the consequences will be. According to the Spanish Stroke Federation (FEI), the cases treated from the outset recover almost completely.

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For this, it is essential to contact the emergency service, by calling 112. While the emergency team arrives, it is necessary follow a series of basic steps that are decisive. Loosening the clothing of the person who is suffering from it is important so that there is nothing that prevents correct breathing.

In addition, SAMUR-Civil Protection recommends lay the person down so that their head and shoulders are slightly raised and supported on a cushion or pillow, for example, although a jacket folded on itself can also serve. It is convenient that, as far as possible, the atmosphere is relaxed and that there is no noise while waiting for the emergency services.

Contrary to what one might think, It is not recommended to give the person food or drinkNot even a simple glass of water. She should also not be forced to speak or moveand it should be the accompanying person who explains in detail to the emergency services when the symptoms began and how they have progressed.

It is also not advisable to opt for your own transfer to a health center, it is preferable to let the emergency medical services take care of it, since they will have the necessary knowledge to do it properly, without causing harm to the person suffering from the stroke.

We must remember that time is vital and that 90% of cases can be prevented if you act quickly and do well. World Stroke Day is celebrated every October 29, to remind us what it is about and how to act when it appears.

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