How to take care of the sleep of the elderly without resorting to sleeping pills

According to the data handled by the , almost half of the Spanish population suffers whatever kind they are. AND not sleeping or sleeping badly It has a direct impact on physical and mental health.

Especially if, as they claim, those who sleep the worst are older people.

Almost half of those over 65 sleep regularly or poorly

To the point that according to the between 30% and 60% of people over the age of 65 suffer from some type of sleep disorder.

Between the most common problems that affect this age group include:

  • The insomnia

  • sleep apnea syndrome

  • restless legs syndrome

  • The alterations of the

These disorders appear provokedgenerally, by:

  • chronic diseases

  • Physiological changes associated with aging

  • The drugs

  • environmental factors.

Most people over the age of 65 have sleep problems. Photo by SHVETS production:

Drugs to achieve night rest

The problem is that it is common among this population group to take drugs to increase sleep and improve night rest.

So much so, that according to a recent study prepared by the , those over 65 are the ones who consume benzodiazepines the mosta group of tranquilizing drugs or sleep inducers very used.

The use of these drugs can cause side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, or fallsamong the elderly, in addition to having a high addictive component.

As it explains David Curto, Medical DirectorQuality and Innovation of .

  1. “Sleep disorders in the elderly population must be discovered early by caregivers or family members.

  2. Otherwise, general health problems such as chronic pain, nocturnal pain, falls or mental health problems such as anxiety and depression they will appear more easily.

  3. Therefore it is important to pay attention to this issue and take steps with the goal of improving their sleep quality.”

Recommendations to prevent sleep problems in the elderly

In order to avoid the consequences derived from both lack of sleep and the consumption of hypnosedatives, the experts at Sanitas Mayores have prepared a list of solutions that can help prevent sleep problems in the elderly population and avoid what already .

  • Establish a sleep routine.

This aspect is very recurring when we talk about childhood sleep, but, in reality, it is valid for any age group.

Maintain a regular schedule of sleep, going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends it is essential to establish a regular sleep pattern.

Sleep problems increase with age Photo by Isabella Fischer on Unsplash

The geriatric specialists recommend not taking a nap if you suffer from sleep problems.

The reason is that sleeping for a long time throughout the day will cause the elderly to have more difficulty sleeping at night, especially the hours close to bedtime.

  • Avoid stimulating substances.

tobacco or any other stimulating substance cause excitement, euphoria, or increased heart rate They are not recommended for creating an optimal sleep routine.

  • Improve the sleeping environment.

A bed chest of drawers accompanied by a suitable pillow in a cool and dark room It is key to guarantee a better sleep reconciliation.

It is essential to do minimal exercise three times a week for at least 30 minutes a day It allows you to consume a large amount of energy, which helps you get to bed more tired and want to rest.

Nevertheless, sometimes these preventive measures are not enough and the person may need medical treatment, always under medical prescription and very limited in time due to dependency and the withdrawal syndrome that it can produce.

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