How does the gravity influence in our bones?

We know that the Earth is not completely round, but that it has certain oval areas that can promote more Earth’s gravitational effectas in the case of Great Britain, for example, or the depth of the oceans.

Due to the fact that the planet Earth, of almost spherical and spatial shape in which we live, is not a perfect sphere in its roundness and its interior mass is not distributed evenly, the force of the gravity is different in different parts of the world.

This can mean that pressure on the joints of the spine and the extremities is greater in areas with greater severity. Therefore, the incidence of back pain and associated disorders may be higher in these locations, in addition to overall organ strength and maintenance.

At the same time, according to “Wolf’s Law”the bone must become stronger when it is under load: “If a normal bone is physically loaded in a new direction, its structure and shape can change according to its new function; if a deformed bone is rectified and its normal function is restored , the entire bone structure returns to its original shape.”

These postulates are synthesized in Wolff’s law, which finally states: “Every change in shape and the function of the bone or only of its function, is followed by certain changes defined in its internal architecture and equally secondary alterations defined in its external conformation according to mathematical laws”.

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It can be speculated that, in areas of greater gravitational force, bone density can be increased. However, due to the greater pressure on the cartilage of the joints and intervertebral discs, the wear (degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis) of these structures can be increased. It remains to be seen whether the increased severity affects the joints. However, perhaps this is one of the reasons why many people start to experience pain or worsen injuries when traveling from England to different parts of Asia.

In the distribution of Earth’s gravity, the United Kingdomas in other oval areas of the planet, seems to represent the most high severity levels of this planet. While it can be explained that generalized severity can provide back, neck and joint problems. In these specific places, moreover, created by other environmental, biochemical and emotional factors, among others.

This means that in each continent we can have different effects, which affect us all, especially in the joints due to this gravitational effect, for which the pressure factors on the joints are still being studied today.

degenerative arthritis

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease, is a group of mechanical anomalies related to the degradation of joints, articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Symptoms may include joint pain, stiffness, blockage, and sometimes a stroke. A variety of hereditary, developmental, metabolic, and mechanical causes. It can start processes that lead to cartilage loss. When bony surfaces become less protected by cartilage, the bone can be exposed and damaged. As a result of decreased movement caused by pain, regional muscles may atrophy, and ligaments may become more lax.

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Causes of degenerative arthritis

Some researchers believe that excessive mechanical stress underlies all osteoarthritis joints from many and varied sources leading to bone malformations. caused by congenital or pathogenic causes, mechanical injuries, excess weight, loss of strength in the muscles that support the joints, and deterioration of the peripheral nerves. Of which, it should be added with importance that it leads to sudden or uncoordinated movements in the joints to overexertion, generating a lack of optimism and freedom of movement for babies, young people, athletes and adults.

He spinal adjustment and joint adjustment with osteopathic medicine, are used to describe their approach to spinal manipulation, as are some osteopaths, who use long-term adjustment. The effects of spinal manipulation have been shown to include: temporary relief of musculoskeletal pain, increased joint range of motion, changes in facet joint kinematics, increased pain tolerance, and muscle strength.

Osteopathic medicine is focused on restoring the natural function of the spine and joints in general. In addition, osteopathic medicine targets areas identified by scientists as possible causes of osteoarthritis. Osteopathic care is to reduce mechanical stress on the joints, caused by possible “misalignment of the bones, caused by congenital and/or pathogenic causes”. Osteopathic medicine care improves and releases the function of the peripheral nerves, and thus prevents the joints from presenting sudden or uncoordinated instability due to overexertion.

«The doctor of the future will not prescribe medicines but will educate his patients on how to eat, on the causes and on the prevention of diseases». thomas edison.

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