How many calories do I have to eat a day to lose fat?

Many of those who consider it end up resorting to the calculator to try to find out how many they must ingest per day according to what they spend. But this challenge is more mental and requires tenacity and good sense than a mathematical question and, although calculating calories is correct, it can be done by estimation and without obsessing.

The first thing to keep in mind is that this is a long-distance race and that too intense sprints can be counterproductive. Only then can it be avoided feared rebound effect: that after losing weight with a very aggressive diet and exercise planning, it recovers or even gains more after finishing the plan by not being able to maintain a healthy lifestyle and recover bad habits.

Therefore, it is best to design a strategy that allows be sustained throughout life: It is not necessary, and almost always counterproductive, to starve yourself or kill yourself for hours and hours in the gym. This is the key question: will I be able to maintain the style and guidelines that I set for myself on a daily basis in my life?

In any case, the scientific fact is that you have to get fit to start burning body fat. And the way to achieve this is to take care of the diet and an active life, with physical exercise. From there, you don’t have to get hung up on the concept of “calorie deficit” just like you don’t have to get hung up on stepping on the scale every day. Obsession leads nowhere, experts recall.

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Sergio Peinado, a specialist trainer and graduate in physical education, expresses it clearly on social networks, where he is one of the most followed in Spain in this field. He states that the caloric deficit should be light, not abrupt. An important key to achieving the goal of

“Don’t Make This Mistake: Overdoing the Caloric Deficit. How much is ideal? The recommendations are usually around a slight deficit (about 300-500 calories deficit), something simple that you can maintain over time and that does not imply starving yourself. That is why most of the ‘miracle’ diets fail: they are not sustainable over time and they make the person suffer, so as soon as they can, they stop doing it and in the end it is useless”, Sergio explains clearly. Hairstyle.