have a crush on someone

At the level of the social relationships Not everything is ideal, that is, you not only have to live with people who are nice to you, help you and brighten your life. There may also be times when you meet someone you can’t stand, even though they haven’t even given you reason to feel that dislike. In that case, it is clear that you feel mania towards someone.

What does it mean to have a crush on someone?

This is a very rejection primitive and unconscious. That is, you should avoid feeling guilty about what you feel, and it is better to see it in a natural way.

That is to say, in life it is impossible for everyone to like you. Something that those who always want to please others aim for. However, they don’t succeed either. What to do in a situation like this? First of all, avoid falling into the limit of obsession. That is, don’t give space in your mind to someone you don’t like, avoid criticizing them in front of third parties…

Don’t judge that person

Especially, avoid the association of ideas of believing that being someone you don’t like means they are an unethical person. The truth is that He can be a great person. But it is also good that you avoid judgment to give yourself a second chance.

Surely it has ever happened to you that after having a bad initial impression of someone, you have then had an excellent relationship with that person. Without a doubt, these types of surprises are very gratifying and can occur on a personal level and also in the work environment.

Having someone mania is something possible and natural, however, from then on, each person’s ethics are what determine the way they act. That is to say, the right thing to do is not to wish anything bad on anyone, nor to make their life more difficult. Simply, If you don’t like someone, let them go on their way.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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