GRISEXUALITY: what it is, types and test

Like all the dimensions that are part of the life of every human being, the sexual dimension is complex and broad. This has been under constant study and research by science, but there is still a lack of ground to know. Recently, the virtual community has sparked interest in other, less explored areas of sexuality.

For many, “gisexual” is a new term and, for others, the word that finally gives a name to what they felt. Grisexuality is a concept that needs to be explained and understood by everyone, for a greater understanding of the spectrum of asexuality. Psychology-Online has ready for you the precise information to know What is greysexuality, its types and characteristics.

Definition of greysexuality

Understood as a type within the spectrum of asexuality, greysexuality receives this name because there are people who report not identifying with predetermined sexual orientations and identities. The sexual orientation of these people is located in a “gray zone”, in the middle, between the sexual, represented by the color white, and the asexual, by the color black. This trend is also known by the names: gray asexual and gray-A.

The spectrum of , to which graysexual belongs, is relatively new and, therefore, there is not yet a single and universal definition. It is not entirely agreed whether it is a lifestyle, condition, hypoactive desire or another type of pathology; To date, the category for this spectrum varies according to the authors consulted.

The important thing is that as a society, in favor of mental and physical health and knowledge, it is our responsibility to know what greysexuality is about.

What differentiates graysexual or graysexual people from asexual people is that Although they do not experience erotic-sexual interest or attraction for other people on a regular basis, they can do so under specific conditions..

Characteristics of a greysexual person

Each person, in particular, has tastes, desires and subjective concepts, especially when it comes to sexuality. Among the basic characteristics of a graysexual person are:

  • Sexual attraction is greater than sexual drive.
  • The low frequency in terms of the number of times they experience attraction.
  • The attraction occurs according to person-specific and particular parameters.

Questions to know if I am greysexual

By knowing these terms, perhaps you feel identified with some of them and want to learn more about everything related to this topic. However, remember that these are aspects that are being studied and that, therefore, you will find little reliable information. Taking this into account, this article aims to inform you in the simplest way possible about everything related to the asexual spectrum and, especially, greysexuality.

When in doubt as to whether or not you are greysexual, below is a series of questions aimed at serving as a tool to help you in the process of finding an answer:

  • Have you ever felt physical attraction to someone in your life?
  • What was the last time you felt attracted to another person?
  • Is there a pattern that repeats itself when you find someone attractive?

Types of greysexuality

At this point, it is already known that the spectrum of asexuality contains other variants of it. Among these is greysexuality and, in turn, greysexuality seems to have nuances in itself. Each of these subtypes vary among themselves, retaining their base of low frequency in experiencing sexual attraction towards another person, which depends on specific factors to be explored.

According to this concept, you will know the types of graysexuality known until now; While the grisexual or grisasexual is characterized by experiencing attraction towards someone only in specific contexts, situations or people, its subtypes present the following particularities:

  • Demisexual or “demi”: a person who identifies with this type of graysexuality needs to have a solid emotional bond between them. In this article you will find more information about the .
  • Fraisexual: You feel attraction for another person, but you lose it along with your interest as you get to know them. Contrary to the demi, the fraisexual experiences what is primary attraction, while the demi experiences secondary attraction.
  • Achoisexual: your attraction towards the other person fades when you know you are reciprocated.
  • Reciprosexual: This name identifies the type of person who feels attracted to another person only when he/she is aware that that someone is attracted to him/her.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Dana, G. (2020). The virtual community of asexuals in the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires. Sexuality, Health and Society. Vol. 08. (34). 126-152.
  • Saúco Project. Guide to good treatment towards the Trans collective. Recovered from:
  • The Asexual Visibility and Education Network. (November 2, 2020). AsexualpediA.
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