Fingers & Thumb Meaning: Biodecoding Diseases

Your fingers are the extension of your body, an anatomical and functional work of art, a map of your fingerprints and scars, and an expression of your creativity and skill.

They are like branches of a sacred tree, reaching out into the world in search of contact, a tool to explore and create, and a means to connect with life.

Your fingers are a symphony of movement and grace, an expression of your strength and skill, a work of art that moves with each gesture, and a manifestation of your being in the world.

And although its function is essentially practical, its implications are deeper, they are a reminder of your ability to create, and your power to transform reality.

Your fingers are the extension of your heart, a tool to express your , a way to share your care and attention, and a means to touch and be touched by life.

So your fingers are your tools to manifest the beauty of your being, in every gesture, in every creation, in every moment.

▸ The fingers represent the action in the present moment, the details of daily life. By touch, you can love, caress, quarrel, build and create.

Your fingers are the concrete manifestation of your thoughts, your feelings.

A finger injury tells you that you are perhaps trying to do too much, going too far or too fast. You take your attention to too many things at the same time and your energies are scattered. You worry too much about things to do. Little matters the nature of the wound (cut, scratch, wart,…) you worry excessively about your present actions. Usually, the level of the wound and the type of tissue involved (skin or bone) are important. For example, a cut to the bone implies a deeper wound than a simple scratch. Check the finger(s) involved below….

Do you think it’s possible to take the time to do one thing at a time? What would it be like to accept your human dimension and ‘your impatience’?

The thumb is a powerful finger that symbolizes the force, you need for power: This finger is used to push, judge, rush as well as value the actions of others as much as mine (thumbs up or down).

It is linked to the pressure, both the one you place on your shoulders and the one you put on others. When you put your thumb up (with a closed hand), you give your approval; thumbs down, your disagreement or your rejection.

The thumb is linked with your intellectwith your interpersonal exchanges and with your sensitivity The thumb therefore determines the type of contacts you have with others and with yourself.

A child sucks his thumb in situations where he feels insecure, therefore the thumb represents security and protection.


All thumb injuries are associated with excessive mental effort, excessive thinking and worrying, and a tendency to be pessimistic. Are your exchanges with others healthy? Do you put too much pressure on others or do you feel pressured by a fast-paced life?

The thumb also symbolizes life and the survivalyour desire to live life (not to die): if you keep your thumb inside a closed hand, you are an introverted person who perhaps wants to die or feels the need to withdraw into himself to protect himself from the outside world .

This finger is also associated with hearing, and with the ether element.

How about starting to do everything to be at peace with yourself @? Could you observe the signs linked to your thumb and stay alert when something happens to you? Let out the sadness that inhabits you. Accept life and situations without making too much drama.

The index represents your (and your personality) under all these aspects: pride, self-sufficiency…

In your non-verbal behaviors, when you activate your pointing index frequently, you are indicating rejection of authority, whether it be your parents’ or any other. You try to express authority in a ‘reactive way’, that is, reaction to the different forms of authority present.

Tu de la can even cause digestion disorders. You are afraid of being caught in the trap, of not being recognized for your fair value. You are afraid of authority and you do not accept that it is present in your life.

You want to assert your judgment at all costs.

When you use your index to impose your ideas in a rather authoritative way, it is your way of asserting your ‘personal power’.

Begin to become aware that it is often your crying that makes you act this way. You have great emotional sensitivity and need to feel secure in life.

You must understand that being right for everything or nothing is not what counts.

Save your energy for the important things.

Is it really the thing that bothers you? Perhaps it is a feeling of helplessness or insecurity that goes back to your childhood in the face of parental authority.

This finger is also associated with smell, and with the element of air.

Do you think it is viable to come to accept the forms of (that bother you so much) knowing that they exist to make you evolve positively, even if appearances deny it?

The middle finger, the longest finger on the hand, represents the creativity, the and the .

In short, it symbolizes many things and you should pay special attention to it: a wound on this finger means that your sexual life is not going as you wish or that you bow too easily to fate.

See also  Biodecoding Prostate Cancer: Emotional Meaning

You experience pain or tension linked to dissatisfaction, and anger gradually settles in you.

This reaction prevents you from realizing your specific desires.

Your creative side is restricted by your lack of confidence.

This finger is also associated with vision, and with the element of fire.

What would it be like to identify the aspect of your sexuality or your creativity that is in question? How about starting by accepting to express your needs instead of letting anger rise, understanding that it is your (pride) that really prevents you from expressing yourself?

Annular (from ‘ring’) is the symbol of the Union and represent your affective ties.

Any injury to this finger comes from one or a difficulty in your affective relationships; It can be with your partner, your children or, in certain cases, even with your parents. This wound is the external manifestation of an inner wound, which you probably haven’t talked to anyone about.

It is difficult for you to make the union with yourself @, to live with this inner sorrow that weighs you down.

Perhaps you have a tendency to exaggerate the situation.

What is it that bothers you? Try to accept letting go of it to better see the situation.

What is stopping you from expressing yourself? Perhaps you tend to imagine the other’s reaction without trying?

This finger is also associated with touch, and with the element of water.

Do you think you can learn to verify and understand that there is a big difference between imagining and knowing? Perhaps checking it before taking things for granted, for certain, will allow you to have much more harmonious relationships and will also teach you to dialogue.

The headset is directly linked to the .

It represents the family, all the familiar aspects of your life, in particular the and the family harmony.

When you get a wound on this finger, this indicates that you are experiencing emotions in front of your family that you should externalize, a lack of harmony within your partner or a simple lack of love for yourself.

Any damage to the little finger (scratch, burn, …) surely denotes too great an emotionality.

You surely have the unfortunate habit of worrying about little things (little finger). Your emotion predominates. You become pretentious and this throws you off balance and prevents you from understanding people and events in life.

This finger is also associated with taste, with the earth element.

How about starting by looking at events and situations with the ‘simplicity of a child’: de-dramatizing and revealing open-mindedness, learning to assert yourself and communicate?

This would allow you to go forward more joyfully, with more inner calm.

Perhaps you can stop playing ‘a pre-established role’ and distance yourself from that world in which appearances matter more than ‘being’. Being able to look back at the simple things and start being yourself.


If you suffer from in the fingers of the this disease symbolizes criticism, self-punishment, disapproval, a deep lack of. Thus, arthritic fingers (that is, the details of daily life) indicate the feeling of being badly loved and of being a victim of events. You give power to others.

Do you think it is possible to start loving and forgiving yourself? If you don’t, how can others love you?

alternative versions

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Semiologically (study of symptoms and signs of diseases), the organs, viscera, fingers and elements are related as follows:

▸ Thumb: meridians Stomach, Spleen – Pancreas (E – BP) – Earth element.

▸ Index: Gallbladder, Liver (VB – H) meridians – Wood element.

▸ Medium: Pericardium, Heart (P – C) meridians – Fire element.

▸ Cancel: Bladder, Kidney (V – R) and Internal Genital meridians – Water element.

▸ Pinky: Small Intestine, Large Intestine (ID – IG) meridians – Fire element (ID) and Metal element (IG).

When the five elements are not balanced, pathological syndromes occur, and through Acupuncture, among other techniques, it seeks to restore a harmonious balance.


Holistic healing system, considered the oldest in the world and described as yoga’s ‘sister science’. View disease as the result of an imbalance in the body caused by a deficiency or excess of one of the five key elements.

▸ Thumb: Fire.

▸ Index: Wind.

▸ Medium: ether.

▸ Cancel: Land.

▸ Pinky: Water.

As the fingers act as electrical circuits, the use of mudras adjusts the flow of energy that balances the elements.


Study of the hand and its lines, for divinatory purposes. Consider the hand as the mirror of the person, an image of the true self of him. It can reveal your best potentialities and also your darkest or most vulnerable points.

▸ Thumb (ruled by Mars): innate vitality and energy, willpower and instincts. Also the ability to change your destiny.

▸ Index (ruled by Jupiter): conscious will directed by the ego, ambition and assertiveness, sense of power and self-confidence, wisdom. Finally, religiosity or ideals.

▸ Medium (ruled by Saturn): objective values, reality, the practical side, the inexorable, responsibility, patience and emotional control. Therefore, it has the property of balancing your life. For some scholars, this is the finger of fate.

▸ Cancel (ruled by the Sun): love and unions, sense of family and its affairs of the heart, vitality, vital energy and health, also the aesthetic sense and artistic tendencies. Finally, the chances of achieving fame.

▸ Pinky (ruled by Mercury): the intellectual side and knowledge, the ability to communicate (communications and eloquence),…