Dyshidrosis: Biodecoding Emotional Meaning

In the palm of your hands, an enigma is revealed, a map of small drops that burn like fire. Your fingers dance to the beat of the agony of a persistent itch. Moisture clings to your pores like a veil. Your skin cracks, revealing a bitter secret, a constant battle between the visible and the hidden.

📋 This inflammation of the is characterized by small blisters on the tips and sides of the fingers, palms and soles.

A blister is the memory of an emotional weakness and where it is located provides you with more information.

You live long periods of , and .

Do you have difficulty relaxing, even in moments of calm or apparent harmony?

It costs you horrors to externalize your .

Like the swollen, this ailment reflects a brake on your emotions in the direction you have to take. Normally the excess (of emotions) is released through perspiration.

Skin that sweats a lot evacuates (the emotions) that you retain, but in your case you don’t allow yourself to evacuate those that do you so much damage.

You refuse to take care of your basic needs and indulge yourself. Because?

And then your emotions, , , …, overwhelm you.

How about starting by opening up to the world, learning to take your needs seriously and taking the time to enjoy the good things life has for you?

The key is .

Decrypt the disease, decode your reality.

Your personalized response through soul reading, the most unmistakable way to become aware and find answers.


The alternative is awareness.

Abandonment2 Guilt2 Humiliation2 Anger3 Injustice4 Fear5 Rejection2 Sadness4 Betrayal3