Feminism: myths and truths

We hear a lot about it feminism. Some see in it a certain path towards the construction of more egalitarian societies, while others see it as a “resentful” and slightly exaggerated vision.

For centuries, a social system has been perpetuated in which the role of men predominates and, in some cases, violent and discriminatory practices against women are validated to achieve their subordination. For this reason, For many people who have been raised under this system, it is difficult to have different conceptions from one day to the next..

Radically opposing either the patriarchal system, which has predominated until now, or its suppression, whatever the case may be, does not help build egalitarian societiescan be counterproductive and generate polarization.

Around feminism, there is ignorance and stigmatization of those who see him as a threat. For this reason, it is essential to know more about it and debunk some of the myths that have been created around it.

Myths and realities of feminism

Some people conceive of feminism as a movement that belittles men, which does not turn out to be true. Find out below some of the myths that exist regarding feminism.

Feminism is the opposite of machismo. Machismo is based on ideas that seek the supremacy of men over women. For its part, feminism is not focused on the supremacy of women, but on the search for equal opportunities between men and women.

Feminism hates men. Feminism denies that all men are violent and explains that they can act in a specific way by learning and not by nature. Likewise, it legitimizes that they can express their emotions and free themselves from many pressures that the patriarchal system has imposed on them.

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Only women can be feminists. Although women lead feminism, the entire society is involved in the search for equality for all people, therefore gender does not become an exclusive condition.

Feminist women are resentful. Calling women hysterical seeks to normalize the anger they express in the face of inequality and gender violence.

Reports of sexist violence are usually false. It is believed that men are frequently victims of false accusations by feminist women. However, the level of false reports is usually very low; In fact, crimes such as sexual violence or violence against women are some of the least reported by their victims.

Feminism imposes its ideas on other women. It is not about imposing, feminism aims to generate reflection and explain the role of women in society.

All feminist women are in favor of abortion. Feminism does not focus on promoting abortion itself, it focuses on the empowerment of women and their freedom to decide about their body and motherhood.

Ignorance can lead us to stigmatize. If it is about building societies that provide the same guarantees for all members of society, It is important to act more from knowledge and less from prejudice and stigmatization.

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A Movement for all

Because of its mission to stop sexual abuse, many people may think that the # Movement It only welcomes and supports women. However, both girls and boys, adolescents, women and men can be victims of sexual violence. For this reason, our Movement seeks to welcome all people equally without discriminating based on sex, gender, sexual identity, race, religion, among others.

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Our interest is to empower, through education, children and adolescents to prevent sexual abuse, as well as help survivors of sexual abuse rewrite their history. Additionally, like many people in the world, we want to do our contribution to the construction of more egalitarian societies. and.