6 questions about sex, gender, orientation and sexual diversity

Human beings are diverse by nature, despite social norms that tend to classify people according to their biological sex or sexual orientation. For many years it has been considered that “normal” is the relationship between a man and a woman as we have traditionally known it. However, today we see how sexual diversity It takes place in couple relationships and in the formation of families and, despite the stereotypes that still persist, this does not make a person normal or not.

Although he biological sex It has been used for a long time as a way to classify society for different purposes, it does not necessarily define the person. And it is common that some people do not feel comfortable or identified by this factor. Likewise, sometimes we tend to think that some physical characteristics define the sexual orientation of the person and this does not have to be like that either.

Learn a little more about him sexhe genderthe sexual orientationthe diversity and the importance of respect and welcome to those who feel better by identifying themselves in a way other than a physical condition.

What is sex?

Are the biological characteristics according to which individuals are classified. It is defined by chromosomes, hormone levels, external and internal genitalia, and reproductive organs. It is divided into two categories: male and female.

What is gender?

It refers to the social and cultural construction about the characteristics and behaviors that each society assigns as masculine and feminine.

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What is sexual orientation?

It has to do with the romantic, emotional, intellectual and physical taste or attraction that he feels for another person. Sexual orientations have been divided as follows:

  • Heterosexuality: It refers to attraction to people of a different sex than one’s own.
  • Homosexuality: It is when the attraction occurs towards people of the same sex.
  • Bisexuality: It refers to the attraction that occurs indistinctly towards people of the same or different sex.
  • Asexuality: It refers to the absence of sexual attraction towards other people.

What is gender expression?

Is related to the way a person acts, dresses, speaks, and behaves to communicate their gender to the world and does not necessarily correspond to sex or gender identity.

What is gender identity?

It refers to the psychological and social identity about the gender of each person. Some types of gender identity are:

  • Cisgender: those people whose sexual identity and biological sex fit.
  • Transgender: They are people whose gender identity is different from their biological sex and, therefore, make changes in their physical appearance towards the gender with which they feel identified.
  • Transsexual: refers to people whose gender identity is different from their biological sex and find it necessary to transform their body through hormonal treatments or sexual reassignment surgeries.
  • Intersex: refers to people who are born with genitals or reproductive organs of both sexes.
  • Queer: refers to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender.

What is sexual diversity?

It is the possibility that a person has of living their sexual orientation and gender identity in a free and responsible manner.

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A Movement of everyone and for everyone

As you see, the sexual diversity It is present in all aspects of life and many of the concepts that have been passed down from generation to generation have led us to mistakenly think that some ways of identifying and living sexuality are “normal” and others, on the contrary, “are not normal.” are”, which has destroyed many lives. Today it is important to look at these differences from the I respectthe comprehensionthe goodness and the love.

In it # Movement we support and welcome all people regardless of their sex, gender, sexual orientation. We invite you to already. Additionally, if you feel that you have been a victim of sexual abuse or other types of abuse, remember that we offer you a safe and trusting space to and start your healing process.