Transgenerational trauma

When a person suffers a traumatic experience that marks their life and does not face what they experienced or carry out a healing process in the face of those events, it is possible that subsequent generations will be affected in some way. This transfer of emotional, physical or social pain is known as transgenerational trauma and until a break is achieved in that cycle, it can pass from one generation to another.

Through science it has been established that Unaddressed traumas affect different generations of the same family, which is why it is recommended to seek the help of a mental health professional to identify where the trauma comes from and move towards healing it. Learn a little more about transgenerational trauma, the signs that may indicate that it may be occurring, and the tools to confront it.

In the # Movement we work to create knowledge around the transgenerational trauma that can encourage those who were once victims to become victimizers. If you consider that you are experiencing a similar experience or that someone in your immediate environment is experiencing something similar, we invite you to a safe space. Also, we invite you here.

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