What is it and how to encourage positive self-talk?

Have you noticed that the person you talk to the most during the day is yourself? We may not be aware of it at times, but we constantly have conversations with ourselves. This is what is called internal dialogue and it can be both positive and negative:

When our thoughts are constructive, motivate us, strengthen our self-esteem and drive us to move towards our goals, that internal dialogue is positive.. But, if, on the contrary, these daily conversations are focused on self-criticism, doubts and thoughts aimed at limiting our potential, it is negative internal dialogue.

When we achieve greater awareness of the importance of our internal dialogue being positive, our lives can be transformed.

7 advantages of encouraging positive self-talk

There are many advantages that positive self-talk can bring to your daily life. Find out 7 benefits below:

  1. It is essential to cultivate a healthy mindset and reach the emotional well-being.
  2. Help build a positive self image.
  3. It allows overcome obstacles and challenges with greater confidence.
  4. Help to control stress levelsanxiety and depression.
  5. Contributes to strengthening our resilienceallowing us to face challenges more effectively and recover faster from adversity.
  6. Improves the ability to make right decisions.
  7. Leads to personal and professional growth.

As you can see, the benefits of putting positive self-talk into practice are countless. In addition to helping to take care of mental health, it also makes great contributions to physical health.

How to encourage positive internal dialogue?

Integrating positive internal dialogue into your life is not something that can be achieved overnight, it is necessary Take small actions every day to leave negative dialogue behind which quite frequently affects us. Below you will find the guidelines that will help you transform the conversations you have with yourself.

  • Pay attention to your inner thoughts and words. Identify those messages that are negative and consciously replace them with positive and encouraging affirmations.
  • Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you would treat a close friend is essential. Recognize your achievements and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be and do not forget that we can all make mistakes, the important thing is to see them as learning.
  • Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the positive things in your life. Focus on being grateful for your strengths, opportunities, and meaningful relationships.
  • Cultivate healthy relationships and seek emotional support from positive people who encourage and inspire you. Avoid those people who constantly criticize you or undermine your confidence.
  • Pay attention to physical, emotional and mental well-being It helps you maintain a positive attitude. Integrate a healthy diet, regular physical activity, enough rest time and activities that make you happy into your life routine.
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You decide what type of conversation you want to have with yourself, but do not undervalue this internal dialogue, Its effects can be very noticeable in your life.

Types of internal dialogue that you should avoid

Identifying negative self-talk is the first step to being able to change it.. Discover below some common and harmful types and eradicate them from your daily life.

Excessive self-criticism

This type of internal dialogue is characterized by:

  • Find fault in everything you do.
  • Constantly judge yourself.
  • Treating yourself too harshly.

This type of self-talk weakens your self-confidence and creates insecurities and anxiety. It is important that you practice self-compassion and avoid focusing on the negative.

Catastrophic thinking

This form of internal dialogue is characterized by anticipating the worst possible scenario in any situation. This can generate anxiety and irrational fear of the future. Try to be realistic and focus on practical solutions to the challenges you face.

Constant comparison

It is focused on comparing oneself with others and promoting feelings of inferiority. It usually negatively affects self-esteem and self-image and can also have repercussions on interpersonal relationships. Learning to focus on your individual value and unique essence is essential.

Self-definition by past mistakes

Basing your self-worth on the mistakes you made in the past can be very damaging and trigger feelings of guilt. Instead of letting your past experiences define the rest of your life, learn to forgive yourself and find lessons and opportunities for growth.

Excessive worry about the future

Obsessing over the future not only doesn’t allow you to live in the present, but it also fills you with anxiety and uncertainty. Focus on living fully in the present and enjoy every moment.

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Generalized negativity

We often think that everything is wrong and that no matter what we do, everything will go wrong. This type of self-talk traps you in a spiral of negativity and prevents you from appreciating the positive things. Practicing gratitude and focusing on positive things can help you.

Excessive self-demand

Setting unrealistic expectations can lead us to live constantly frustrated. Understanding that things do not always have to be perfect and learning to value efforts and achievements, even if they seem small, is important.


Feeling unprotected and hopeless all the time and doing nothing to change adverse situations does not allow you to move forward. Don’t forget that taking control of your life allows you to create the reality you want.

Self-talk is a powerful tool which can influence our perspective on life and our emotions. The practice of self-compassion, gratitude and mindfulness will help you transform your internal dialogue and improve the relationship you have with yourself.

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