Eyelids – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

The eyelids are the mobile organs that protect the eyes from external aggressions (garbage, cold, light, etc.). They can suffer from irritation or eczema.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: The eyelid has the function of moistening and cleaning the surface of the eyeball. Obviously it also fulfills the function of protecting the eyes when closing them. The eyelid muscle is proportionally the most powerful in the human body.

CONFLICT: Motor conflict in relation to what I see.

“I can’t see without being seen.”

PAIN IN AN EYELID tells you that you do not protect yourself well from external aggressions, that is, that you let yourself be influenced a lot by what you see. Perhaps you are a person who does not grant himself the right to close his eyelids to rest or lie down. Want to see everything.

If you have IRRITATED EYELID, realize that what irritates you is your perception of the facts and not what is really happening. If you can’t tolerate what happened, give yourself permission to retire, to rest.

SWOLLEN EYELIDS AND BAGS: Swollen eyelids are the sign that I am experiencing sadness that is expressed by tears, but I want to hold back, keep my pain inside.

Conflict related to children, neighbors, those close to our identity in a visual tonality. “He’s my son!”. People separated from themselves who try to copy others by denigrating themselves. Think of people we will never see again.

ECZEMA: More in the tonality of separation, “people we will never see again.”

See also  Biting your nails – Integral Health Coaching.

If my HALF CLOSED EYELIDS, there is something or someone in my life that I want to run away from or that I dare not look straight ahead.

FAST BLINKING: My eyelids have a tendency to blink faster when I experience greater stress or tension than usual. I am in “over-voltage” for what I see.

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