Extreme shyness in adults: symptoms and treatment


04/25/2023 I am 34 years old, I am a “normal” guy I think, I have a 5-year-old son, I play sports with a large group of people, I go out partying with friends on occasion, I think I have an active social life, but yes Well, I have realized that it is very difficult for me to have an attractive conversation with listeners, I am not a fun guy nor do I make jokes or establish topics of conversation, sometimes I don’t know what to talk about and I remain silent just listening, I have come to think that my tone of voice is very low and perhaps that is why my words are not taken into account when saying them, it is something that makes me very uncomfortable and I would like to see a way to solve it,

What could you advise me?
Thank you.



I am a little shy but not to the extreme but when I meet a girl I get a little nervous and it is difficult for me to get to her and I don’t know how to start a conversation that is interesting

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Don’t try to find an interesting conversation, just sit calm, smile and talk about anything.



I was shy all my life, it was difficult for me to make friends, flirt, etc… today it is not difficult for me. I can be very polite, make jokes, bring up topics of conversation
etc, no one would say that I am, I behave normally, I even tend to be liked, the problem is that I am no longer interested in making friends, I have no interest, something that when I was younger yes, you can say that everything that cost me Before it was compensated by the desire to achieve it, but there is no longer that desire. I have a wife and from time to time she wants to have meetings, meals etc… with her friends and she wants me to go, and just telling me makes me anxious even though I know I’m not going to make a fool of myself, I got used to being like this, and I even get used to it. like. How is that solved?

a curious man


Well, I think that, in fact, it is better not to say anything so as not to make a mistake. We live in a very demanding society that does not tolerate mistakes. It is not about the natural rejection of those who make many mistakes, but rather that, today, a single mistake can be considered a sign of incompetence. We see it every day in many companies or in many areas: it is better not to make a mistake because, otherwise, you will get the hang of it. And, if you make a mistake, deny it to raise doubts among those who detected the error…

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Ignotis Parentibus


There is a neighbor who is in love with me, but is excessively shy, Advice.



I am 44, and suffered a stroke. And now remembering, I don’t know how they start a conversation and I’ve become shy.

jesus leon sanchez


because at my age it’s hard to start a conversation with the person I like



I am very shy, I am embarrassed to speak in public or in a group, I block myself, I feel like I don’t have to give an opinion.

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I am also very shy and have a hard time starting conversations and relating.
I do solitary activities and when I leave the house, I go quickly and with my head down, I tend to withdraw into my room, most of the time, my body shakes and my hair stands up, when other people who are not from my environment talk to me . I avoid going out as much as possible, and I’m in. my house.



encouragement. I comply 100% with the description, but you have to study a little, understand yourself and try… I’m still in the first place… and it’s hard and I’m afraid of not being able to meet the imposed expectation… relying on someone I trust or on strangers from these blogs, which sometimes do deliver a great message.
many greetings.



Hello, I have been diagnosed with countless disorders. Now with the quarantine I started to reflect and remember my childhood and adolescence and I know that my problem all this time was called extreme shyness and not even a psychologist began to investigate that and the psychiatrists except those only sent me medication. My supposed alcoholism, depression, anxiety or schizoid disorder is actually extreme shyness that I have suffered all my life and therein lies my problem and solution. What I don’t understand is why psychologists no longer investigate and only base themselves on what you tell them about your present or last years of life and treat you on that when in reality the origin of my problems at the age of 35 were brewed in me. childhood and adolescence and I slept them with alcohol, supposed depression and anxiety. With the quarantine I realize that all this time it has been an extreme shyness that has not been solved, much less diagnosed on time or at the wrong time.

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You know… I just broke up a month ago, and this breakup was not because of anything bad, but rather a lack of communication… I have been on medication since then, but this article that I came across by chance describes my personality quite a bit, and as you say, one sinks into alcohol…now I’m almost 30 years old I asked a psychologist for help, but due to the pandemic it has been difficult for me to have a direct appointment and only by call…there are many factors I consider without be an expert, but low self-esteem, insecurity and extreme shyness or social phobia prevent you from relaxing as a person and now I am envisioning this path…many greetings.

Carlos Carrera


Cure for social phobia, which goes with sweating on the face

anthony walls


Hello, good morning, I am a very quiet person. It is difficult for me to be expressive with people. I want to overcome my big problem. Please help me.



Good afternoon! I read this article and found it quite interesting. Now, in my specific case I am 34 years old, and although I have been doing therapy for a long time, I have a hard time relating to others or deepening ties in some cases. In fact, when I go to a recital or event I generally do it on my own, since when I tell someone around me it always gets complicated or they can’t in the end. However, once there in these contexts, I have experienced some of these symptoms that are described, in terms of places and times where there are a lot of people. And the worst thing is that one is limited on many occasions… Anyway, the idea is to leave this problem behind once and for all. Thank you so much! Greetings.

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Hello Martin,
Therapy is the best option. Regarding the topic you present about the company, the events you propose to people around you may not be of interest to them. You could look for activities that you both like.

Edgard Pirela


Hello, my name is Edgard Pirela, I am a young man of 31 years old and I have a problem with shyness and depression. I would like you to help me, please.

Nohora Patricia Gáfaro


My son is 18 years old and suffers from extreme shyness. He has asked me to take him where he can undergo hypnosis to overcome this difficulty, which he recommends.
Thank you so much.

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11/16/2018 Hello Nohora, good morning.

If your child suffers from extreme shyness or social phobia, I recommend that you take him to a psychologist to evaluate his case and offer him the most appropriate treatment according to his individual situation. This type of phobia can be overcome, but if it requires treatment, you will notice that over time you will feel much better.


Magda Ligia Agudelo


How can I help my son who is 23 years old and has not managed to have a partner, which professional should he consult, we live in Medellín, thank you very much

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Hello Magda, in response to your question, I can suggest that if not having a partner is a problem for your son or if his shyness is affecting him in one or more areas of his life, that he consult with a psychologist to evaluate his situation. and based on that I can suggest a treatment plan. You can go to a psychologist in person and now the online modality is also being used, so it is recommended that your child choose the modality of their preference. If you need a psychologist online, I will be happy to assist you and you can contact me through my email: marissa.ga@hotmail.com Greetings!

Magda Ligia Agudelo


Thank you very much for assisting me, I will take your recommendation into account, greetings